Tesla Semi - The Electric Truck

in #truck7 years ago (edited)

Tesla launches an electric truck - pre-orderable, delivery supposedly from 2019.

The Tesla Semi should cost 20% less per kilometer than conventional trucks. The driver is placed in the middle of the cockpit. The range should be 480 km - 800 km.

The truck has 4 free drives on the rear axles. Even if 2 of the engines fail, the e-truck should be better than conventional trucks. The truck, which does not require a gearbox or a differential, needs only about 5 seconds from 0-60 MPH (about 96 km / h). Fully loaded, he should still be able to do it in about 20 seconds.

Up to a gradient of 5%, the maximum speed should be 104 km / h.

The Tesla Semi gets an emergency brake assistant, a lane keeping function and a collision warning system. The windows of the truck should be almost indestructible.

According to Tesla, energy consumption per mile (about 1.6 km) is less than 2 kWh. Within 30 minutes, electricity can be recharged for up to 640 kilometers.

The Tesla Semi promises $ 200,000 (about 170,000 euros) in savings per year. In a 160-kilometer route, and a maximum total weight of 40 tons, an average speed of 100 km / h and a price of 7 cents per KWH, the Tesla Semi cost 1.26 dollars per mile, which Tesla predicted. The cost of a diesel truck Tesla named at a gallon price of $ 2.50 at $ 1.51 per mile.

We can now look forward to see if in the future we will only see trucks like the Tesla on our roads.