We have grown to the age where woman have stopped having that mindset of putting the man in that "must spend" position, don't give the excuse of "he should spend a little" look.. A man that can't spend on you without you pushing him to it doesn't really love you to the deepest part of his heart, yes at least a man should understand that buying women this and that ordinarily makes them happy, but if a man loves you, he will be happy to do that, even if he doesn't love you that much, as long as you both have gotten to the extent of sleeping in bed together, or even if you both are still on your way to such level of friendship, there are things that should be done for one's sake and the person turns up happy, and that's nature, so he should do something to show that the time spent with you is really worth it, buying you something isn't a must, making women happy must not be geared towards the involvement of financial implications.
You females should have it In mind that the man should do it if he has the capacity to give you what can make you feel good, because it's not just anything that a man buys a woman that will make her feel good, women you all gotta understand that, some women gat class you know, so you don't just buy them anything, and if you think that men should not go for such women, well.. It happens to be that some men understand how life works, and when they explain it to these classy ladies, the class ladies will "naturally appreciate". Women must learn how not to regret what ones made them feel so good.
On the other hand, the men can buy the women things without even taking them to bed yet, the women can accept the men in bed even without the men buying them this or that, thats when some of us believe we have seen the right one, since sex is now the yardstick of love or care or even affection in our today's world. Moreover.. Some of us, the rare type of men, not minding the outcome, after similar events, have decided to give gifts before ever wanting to make love, or on the other hand some females willingly make love even before ever accepting the gifts, not minding the outcome of similar events that proved the step to be dangerous for our intent, it's very obvious that such fellows never consciously decided to do what we did out of love or affection since those feelings hve their power over us, but then, after we have acted just according to our feelings, in many occasions we end up being called names like mugu, mumu, slot, slave, chop clean mouth things, he goat, she goat and so on, what then can we say to all that?
So taking a good look at the whole drama, It happens to be that the opposite sex are scared of being seen as fools to the other, and this has changed some persons.
So to you ladies, like I said before, when some of us are acting some how, don't just judge straight up, something led to something and it caused what you are experiencing on first hand from the opposite sex, or maybe the person is not capable of buying you the kind of things that can make your type happy, or maybe, some of us can buy you even more than enough but do not wanna be seen as mugu for some reasons, same thing applies to the men from the ladies.
In all.. Nobody should come complaining about not getting this and not getting that from the person you expect it from, mostly the ladies, but generally, who ever that gives you what ever you wanted, have it, enjoy it so well and get some more if you want or can, just as much as you can possibly get, if you wanna do this according to how your feelings directs, thats fine, go ahead, if your feelings directs you to give before you get, oh that's just great, but let's all stop the complaints, stop inciting the younger generations with your ruthless comments like "a man must spend on his woman", these are comments that are birthed from the point of how it went down with you and your complicated self, that's not how to go about it, most of you women are constantly acting under the pressure of always wanting to meet up, not realizing where you come from and what is really necessary for you to expect from a particular relationship.
You ladies should analyze these things and tell your self the truth, each one of you that does thus will see the difference between Z WORLD and what is obtainable in the R WORD "real world"
The truth is.. We all wanna have fun because Now is that time of our life that we wanna remember and smile at when we grow old, the awkward part of it is that some wanna make a living out of it at this point in time, remember that we wanna remember our fun of today when we grow old and smile when we remember them, but some wanna make a living out of it from this point, could that be what they wanna remember and smile at when they grow old, well, if that's what they wanna remember and smile at when they grow old, that means we all see things differently, but while we smile at our different view of life when we are old, that means we should count it all joy at last, no matter how we ended up. Lol.
But on the part of trying to make a living out of what we see as momentous good times...
Why? You wanna injure your self?
Well.. Good luck to that. Cheers.
I totally agree with it your post is great thanks a lot for sharing and keep on posting ;)
I am glad with your response dear.