
in #true8 years ago (edited)

True Magic happens where comfort zone ends, we all know that, but do we ever make that one brave step?

I made that one step across my comfort border in summer 2014, when I went to visit Mr.K in London.

We noticed each other in a video game and suddenly he lured all my attention onto himself. I have felt his soul trough every word he said to me and fallen deeply in love, as well as himself, even before we seen each other's pictures. I know, a bit unreal, but it was just like that, no more or less. The connection was above and beyond this realm, and we knew that for sure instantly as we spoken first day. We just had to experience each other for real, even if it would be for a day. We are both those kind of people, king for a day, fool for a lifetime.

Real Meet Up

And then later on the most uncomfortable and desired moment came- the real meet up. I was standing at train station waiting with my luggage, fancy dressed in electric blue dress and high heels. I didn't sleep from excitement at all, nor did he. And I felt him coming from behind and wooooa he was smaller than I expected, was the first impression and surprise. Next thing- a huge rose and lilly flowers bouquet was in front of me when he appeared from behind and kissed me with too much mixed emotions. All I wanted was to look at his eyes deeply as that really matters to me..but he didn't give me the chance to dive in his eyes as he was nervous and over excited at once.  

We went walking to our appartment he rented. I was watching him all the time across my sight with doubts - who is this little man - and just hoped he wasn't just some horny guy, thinking if I have any friends on my mind if anything goes wrong. I started to be nervous, this was a complete non rational trip into unknown. Anything could of happened. I even thought we were non matching pair of two physical bodies, eventho I believed and still had that magnificent sense of our soul matching. I was really desirable woman, highly educated and sophisticated and he looked like a street kid who bought some brand clothes just to impress me. Buuuuut,... I decided to trust my first gut. I was there... Best thing I could do was just breathe, walk by and let the energy flow on it's own.

So we walked for long time and my legs started to hurt very bad plus I haven't slept all night long and on top of all we got lost in middle of London and he was all into google map on his cellphone. At moment I stopped to stand in front of him and he finally picked his head off his mobile and then I seen his eyes the very first time properly. OOOOMGGG! A deep moment and quite long we stood starring at each other's crystal sparkling eyes in beautiful silence. And from that moment everything changed! Those two pairs of eyes were the same piece. And since that magical moment we stayed closed and couldn't apart. 

Above & Beyond Reality

Days went by and it seemed as if there is no space or time at all. All boundaries we were living by were extinguished. We were making love for hours, days... I never thought my body could hold on so much. And he, he could last for ever. At one moment, everything shifted and I felt consciousness expanding radial and rapidly in all directions. It felt like a star explode between each other but in a very slow manner. Room faded around us as rose and irridescent blue lights filled the space in very opal colours.  I lost myself in the depth of his eyes. Everything seemed so eternal, no time and no space at all, as if it could of ever existed. I moved my hands to hold him across neck and a big trail in many forms followed those hands. As if I took acid, but I didn't. I was purer than ever, only blown away from all that senses. His face was shifting until it became so familiar and ancient. 5000 years ago! I recognised that face instantly, and he looked like as if he recognised me in same devotion. We both started to shed from happiness and bliss. I wouldn't say ecstasy, because it was much beyond and more profound then that! Billion light years beyond. He looked like my egyptian Pharaon, only without any mask. His appearance was pure of a golden bright light. After when we talked about it he said I was looking ancient too, like his ancient wife as he sensed he was looking for me trough many life forms since then. I felt the same adoration and devotion as well as fullness and final union as I ached for so loooong. It was beyond any other experience we both ever had. As if we united all our appearances and existence as well as expirience since then and we finaly reached the state of consciousness I would dare to say what people call God's. We felt all existence, pureness, bliss, unity, devotion, and even more as if all beings were omnipresent trough us and was us in pure Oneness.  Our all chakras was higly opened, enlightened energy circulating between each others, in most profound directions of sacral geometry infinitively as light rays fluxed. It was above and beyond when you make love and feel all vibrations as the Earth shakes, because in this very special moment all Universe and Existence vibrated trough our divine unity. This was the very first time I realised what true Love is. And I would rather say loving than Love because it moves in all directions in vortexes that open all portals at once. From physical, emotional, mental, astral, spiritual to infinity in the best possible way we could of even imagined. We both transcended Across the Universe! It was a real samadhi state. I meditated before ever since I was kid trough various techniques (even TM) and transcended many times trough it, entering samadhi. But never, ever, like this, so natural when least expected. Those transcending experiences were just 7% intensity of this profund transcedental loving state of Oneness. And we weren't even practicing  or doing Tantra. This was not our aim, we were just beings in loving. Our frequecies were in fatal synchronicity. Our minds were empty. Our united bodies erupted trough above&beyond.  And it was more real than any reality. 

When it was happening I had no idea what was happening neither I ever heard about transcendental sex even exists. We both shared our experience immediately after in details and it matched perfectly on all levels as we were thrilled and filled with most positive and fulfilling energy ever. We googled after and realised we experienced Transcendental sex.  To be honest I think there must be better name for that. Transcendental loving would suit better. I shared with my mother this story and she responded immediately that she knows exactly what I am talking about on my big surprise. She shared with me very similar sensations but with different visuality. The core of all feelings and sensations were the same just she told me that was the time when my parents conceived me..  

But somehow that didn't surprise me. All my life has been so deep and profound and wherever I went there was always the same feeling following me. Like I came from a star envoked with enormous powerful feeling I always longed to feel all until this happened... 

After All...

I really love when I can dive and lost myself trough the eyes of loving being, because eyes are the portals. And I am always deeply grateful when that happens. Whether it is with human being or animal. As I experience both connections, even with elements of water and air (wind) which don't have eyes. But they have essence, the soul. And we can call and reach them from within and meet them in union. But that is just one of the stories I hold for so long and I have decided to share them. Eventho those stories are of intimate nature, I feel like time has finaly come to share them all and I know it will reach those proper beings and encourage them to rember themself how beings, existance, Universe is really special and most graceful place to be. A place that we should all cherish and never forget of a true beauty and value. And it comes from within. Human beings are so much more that what is mostly presented today. Animals are so much more... Elements of nature are so much more than we are mostly all aware of. And it is time to re-remember... the true power of loving, being and speaking (sharing) truth from the bottom of our souls. You are all the only one who are able to move and shift your limitations, and no one can give you a recepy. Naked truth is no one can lead you, not even yourself. All you ever can be is just BE-ING.... and that is enough beyond miracle. You don't have to train or tend to be someone (else), whatever someone calls that--buddha, or any name or character (including yours own). 

Thank you for being here and hope you would share one day your similar stories with me too.

Kind regards,


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absolutely gripping post!

Thanking You Dimitrat!

Pročitao nakon 10mj..oooodlično napisano..pozz

Hvala ti! :)