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RE: The Software Piracy Chronicles of Slobberchops (The THG Years) – Part Twenty One

in #truestories5 years ago

It all ends in March 1994 when I left this rain sodden island for the heat of Arizona, so just over one years left of yawns.. er yarns left :)


Hehe, yarns it is!!

The THG guys seem to like them, I send all of them over via a Facebook 'Old Pirate's' group.

Would be better if they were on the blockchain, but I know better than to dangle the carrot.

Sorry, I was on a plane!

I bet they do. I have contemplated running my band years through the grinder and posting them in a series. Although I'm not sure they would totally like it if I forwarded them all on, some are a bit sensitive!

Back in the frozen wastes? It's been mild and wet at least further south. The band days sound good, do it!