Blessings found.

The young was still learning how to talk to people and doing better than the old in. The moment of attention she might get he thought might be the reason. He would stop what he was doing and listen to her, know not of the things she talked about. Then she would be off and the old left wondering. Who all the names were from what movie. or where they real people. With six siblings all wanting attention. I bet all of them would like someone outside to talk with for a while. Mom and Dad, probably do not mind the break.
Amazingly, although lost with what to say. And those who have talked with me, that may be reading this. Will know that there is often a pause before I choose the words and direction I might approach an answer from. This girl just flabbergasted me too much. Why she chose me as someone to talk to. My mind struggles with that.
Small conversations would happen if meaningless things. Did I know where she went that day. Who else went. That there out of no where came a Then!

Somehow somewhere over the past months. Tom got trapped by a 6 year old. It was this day he noticed.
Cup of tea and sit down for a few minutes felt like a good deal right then. The cooler was all stocked and snacks all shelved. Just walking out the doors to the shop, to sit and enjoy some sun rays. In through the gate comes the trapper. Straight past the Tom. Not a word and in to the shop. Sips some tea back to thoughts.
Rea. Sooo? Somehow that was the question.
Tom. Your up early.
Rea. It's eleven o clock, no wait what time is it?
Tom. Checks the time on his phone. 11.45.
Rea. What time is that?
Tom. Fifteen more minutes until 12.
Rea. That's not early.
Rea. Sooo? emm? Guess where I am going tomorrow?
Tom. The park?
Rea. No.
Tom. Liffey Valley? (Mall).
Rea. No, I go there every week.
Tom. Playground?
Rea. No.
There seemed to be some delight in each time the answer was wrong, But a want for the answer to be right.
Tom. I'm running out of places. You might have to tell me. Em Movies?
Rea. No.
Tom. Okay tell me.
Rea. The (drama pause) beach.
Tom. Oh cool. Swimming and sand castles :)
Rea. I was at the beach before. That was last year though. This was the part Tom would just listen and try to make sense from everything that was going to come.
Sip of tea. Ugh that went cold fast. Rea was still talking, Tom tentatively listening in case he got quizzed later. The importance she put some things. And the detail of who was going. She was surely looking forward to tomorrow.
Steven. Tom, Tom, Give him a nudge for me would ye?
Shopper. The fella behind the counter is calling you there.
Tom. Yea? Steve?
Steven. Are you finished playing kindergarten over there? Can you grab me a box from the back.
Tom. lol. tea sure. He had been listening to Rea for about 40 minutes. I better go do a little bit he said to Rea.
Rea. Yea, I'm goin home.

Tom walked to the back of the shop to grab a box for Steve. Pondering to himself. 45 minutes almost an hour. Sitting there and just listening for and hour. She put a spell on me. Stole me heart. But seeing her smile and be happy, experiencing that is worth to pay for.
Steven. Do you know how long you were out there?
Tom. Yea, But she's happy.
Just a look came from Steven.
Tom. It's like she is a reminder of the things we forgot.
Steven gave an even stranger look.
Tom. It's the magic. Then turned and walked away.

There were many other days the two had conversations about the things on her mind. More often than not. Tom not having a clue about the topic at hand.
Tom, took a break from the shop. His people skills was not bringing as many people on board as he would have liked. He had got a few more accounts made with people. The chats and meetings was something he only noticed he missed after they began again.

I'm loving this so so much!
this is interesting.
come on write more