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RE: Stormy Daniels brings a light drizzle, with no thunder

in #trump7 years ago

Your reply shows plain ignorance, narrow thinking and shallow analyzation. In fact, you don't offer a trace of evidence from my article to support whatever you were trying to say. Maybe English is your second language? In any case, I am a professional blogger, and copywriter. I actually take the time to establish research and note facts and info to rightly support my opinions or any type of content I publish. I maintained many 4.0s on my papers and essays in college. Meaning, I know precisely what I am stating in my posts and always back it up with factual research. I don't
waste my time writiwriting negative or false information just to put a stranger down and make myself feel like I matter through an attitude of bitterness and nastiness. Next time you respond to something too intricate for you to understand, I wouldn't cchance being made to look the fool if I were you. Certainly, it is no way to make friends, gain supporters or be successful in life. Ignorant, unrelatable responses won't get you far. Good lluck. BTW, I am Independent, despise Trump greatly, and am a rare example of highly intelligent thought and analysis of facts and truth. Here we are a few weeks later and much of my opinion has been proven true and your words l9ok like lies. Lol. Get a life!


Wow, that sounds so much like Trump, you're not working under a Trump Pseudonym are you? Like his John Barron stuff, faking his credentials to make him look far better than he is...
Obviously... If you didn't have the most important part of the Stormy Daniels case in your post, I couldn't respond to it!! ....and if you didn't, then why not write about how on earth you missed it and were still able to write reams of text.
Again "With an allegation of physical violence potentially murder. I wouldn't want to be associated with cutting him any slack.....". As you didn't address that, I understand why you're upset with yourself.