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RE: Good people don't defend a bad man.

in #trump5 years ago

i notice that no one's images are working on Hive today. Is this true for you as well?

I think that the same thing that you are saying here is true in reverse as well.

I feel like it behooves those of us who see through his bullshit to help clear the eyes of those who cannot.

good luck with that. The battle lines were drawn a long time ago, I don't think anyone on either side of the fence is going to change their minds at this point, the people that are super dedicated to Trump aren't going to change their minds.

I believe that the media, who was trying a bit too hard to sway public opinion actually had their plan backfire when they started deliberately taking things out of context and even editing video to make situations appear as though they were something other than what happened (think about the Koi pond incident in Japan.)

If they had been just a little bit honest, which i think the media on all sides are all but incapable of, there might have been a more sensible debate going on but when nearly everyone's opinions are dominated by what biased reports told them to think, no one can actually be swayed.

This is true in the conservative reinforcement that you mentioned above as well. Neither side is using facts, they are using their interpretation of the facts and a great deal of emotion as well.

I tend to ignore anyone that is constantly posting anti or pro trump stuff on FB, the discourse has a much greater opportunity to be civil here and I hope that stays that way.