Donald Trump the Most Disrespected President by Far!

in #trump7 years ago (edited)

Most everyone in the world has seen the iconic Hollywood sign and those who have been there have also seen the hundreds of Hollywood Stars that are literally everywhere all over the sidewalks. People who have their own star are actors, singers, comedians, TV Personalities and sometimes even political figures.
Several times since Donald Trump won the presidency, his star has been vandalized by people who dislike him being the President of the United States. A couple of weeks ago, surveillance cameras filmed a man using a pick-ax destroying the Trump star forever. They can be replaced but the city decided to completely remove it to discourage further destruction to tax payer property.
The removal of the star on the walk of fame angered some supporters so much that they took matters into their own hands. With the support of a rich young donor, a couple of men had vinyl flooring converted into the star design and started putting them in several different spots along the walk of fame to enrage the leftist snowflakes that can’t tolerate it being on the ground.
Once the Police department caught the culprits, the city decided to immediately remove all the vinyl stickers so that entire multiple sections of the sidewalks would not incur damages. Leftist democratic voters are some of the most intolerant people even though they like to operate as undcover lovers of everyone. I guess you say what you have to say when it’s vote getting time. Can you imagine Obama getting the amount of death threats Trump has, or his children getting malicious attacks like Barron does? Believe me there are lots of people who hate Obama, but no conservative has ever chopped up a sidewalk to prove a point. This type of human behavior is disgusting.


When will there be a BroncNutz star?

I agree with you @broncnutz , they have not good quality of a president . His behavior is very rud . American people don't like trump .

The pols say 50% love trump.

I agreed worh tou sir. This is not a good quality of a president

having leftists vandalize his star is a bad quality of the president?

In politics, just as here in Holland,you have pro and con people. Like I said before I am no trump fan either but that is because of his statements. I do think he does some good things for the american citizens and economy. But the point you are making I totally agree on. You can disagree with a politician or whatever role or person,but to deaththreat someone or to demolish things to make a point, then you so have a sick mind, no matter what... In holland we have Geert Wilders, he gets threats all the time and 24/7 security... besides the costs on society, the fear and limitations to a person just because of some sick people is insane...

This is not a way to show anyone your hate for him, if you hate him for something, go to him, get the things clear. Don't disrespect anyone like this, even if he is your worst enemy.

yup, they don't understand that this does not make Trump look bad it makes them look bad.

The culprit who has done this, should be given punishment.

I totally agreed with you sir, this type of behavior is totally disgusting and the people who are doing this, should be caught and given hard punishments, so that they should do this in the future.

A person does anything to earn respect and i must say donald trump is not among them...
This is not a signature quality of leader or a president

just shows how divided we are and just what the powers that be wants us to be.

@broncnutz Once we see People getting Arrested. Then the Rule of Law will have come back to America. Until that happens then we would all be Better Off at Jeff's House in Acapulco.................

Absolutely outrageous! You dont have to love him but this is way too far. Some ot the things he says or do, is shocking but still, this is not the way to protest.

Best Mr. T The seeker of World Peace be separated from the corrupt hollywood traditions.

Like him or hate him it is appalling to see the disrespect for Americas highest elected official.

tenor-45.gif@broncnutz yes sure outrageous! You dont have to love him but this is way too far. Some ot the things he says or do, is shocking but still, this is not the way to protest.

Then Trump does everything right

well those are just trump being trump things

From such actions, these vandals will not achieve anything!
We should have thought it over.
before you go to the polls and vote for such politicians.
Thank you for your concern and interesting information, @broncnutz

I listen about him, he is good president for america not for world .

the city decided to completely remove it to discourage further destruction to tax payer property.

Not quite right, the city passed a resolution calling for the property owners to not rebuild the star but they probably will rebuild the star, the city council resolution was basically meaningless, they are not in charge of the stars, they are just a bunch of TDS sufferers acting out.

'Most Disrespected President By Far' is both hyperbolic and inaccurate. This is the same man who initiated the Birther conspiracy against his predecessor.

Regardless of how anyone feels about Trump, there are many examples, dating back to the Adams Administration, of gross disrespect.

One of the major problems with this extreme polarization of our national discourse is the lack of perspective.

I don’t think I have any lack of perspective, Trump has been disrespected way more than any other presidents. Obama was not born here period and Trump along with MIllions of others called him on it. The media is rigged so they made a fool out of people because the ignore the real facts and tell half the truth. Trump has been dis respectful at times, I’ll agree with you but, we need a no bull shit guy who exposes corruption and he’s it 100%. I respect your opinion but in my eyes and 50% of America’s eyes it’s Trump FOREVER! That number is gonna get bigger and bigger too because the truth hurts, but it wins. #winning #bigly

Obama is an American citizen. Period. While I wasn't in complete agreement with him on many of his policies and issues, I'm still not going to believe this tin foil nonsense that he's not a naturally born citizen of this country.

And Trump's knack for speaking his mind doesn't necessarily translate as no bullshit. He's made more demonstrably false statements than any president in the modern era. Frankly, he's a disgrace. The sooner we get rid of this wanna-be authoritarian, the better off this country, indeed the planet, will be. Just my humble opinion.

And yes, you've lost your perspective on reality if you subscribe to this notion that the 'media' is so rigged and corrupt that simple facts (i.e. Obama's status as a citizen) are to be questioned.

I mean no disrespect to you. This is your post. However, you're assertions just don't measure up to reality.

Obama is not only the biggest lair in history of POTUS, he was the worst president ever. He is NOT a natural born citizen and he can kiss my entire ass!

Fair enough. Your opinion is duly noted.