The only motive for conspiracy is self interest. All non universal moral concern is conspiracy and a scheme for the pursuit of self interest. If the motive was altruism the method for achieving this goal would be universal moral concern.
The Fundamental Act of Human Intelligence is to use regard to choose between methods rather than people. Animal intelligence is the application of inherited instinct. For humans inherited instinct is to use regard to choose between people or groups of people as we evolved in a world where all wealth comes from nature and man was amethodical. Truly human rather than animal intelligence is to move beyond inherited instinct, to act counter to instinct. For humans this is using regard to choose between methods rather than people. The Fundamental Act of Human Intelligence is using regard to choose between methods rather than people. This is almost infinitely more useful in a world where most wealth comes from human labor and optimizing the method maximizes the wealth.
The Fundamental Moral Choice is between self interest and universal moral concern. All particular moral concern is a vehicle for the pursuit of self interest. There is no third choice between self interest and universal moral concern. There are only these two, particular moral concern is merely a temporary vehicle for the pursuit of self interest and not a third moral choice. Particular moral concern falsely appears as the third choice and as there are infinite formulations of particular moral concern there is the false perception of infinite formulations of morality but there are only two and the Fundamental Moral Choice is between self interest and universal moral concern.
Acknowledgment explodes the system. The natural system explodes when its existence is acknowledged. The natural system uses description as currency, the natural system uses description as method, the natural system describes for effect rather than for accuracy. Any admission that one is describing for effect explodes the system. A single admission explodes the system. Once it is admitted that one is describing for effect all descriptions are viewed as void by all involved. The natural system cannot exist while acknowledged. To acknowledge the natural system is to explode it forever.
All group identifiers are stupid and immoral. Any attempt to create a group identity for the purpose of maximizing regard and thus serving the self interest of its members will be stupid. It will be an inaccurate description of reality, an intentionally inaccurate description. This is stupidity and this cannot be avoided. All intentionally inaccurate descriptions are stupid, any explanation to the contrary is stupid. Any admission of the true motive for intentionally inaccurate description explodes the system. Any defense of intentionally inaccurate description will itself be intentionally inaccurate or it will be destroying the initial inaccurate description it is trying to defend. All group identifiers for the purpose of having regard assigned are immoral as there are only two moral choices, self interest and universal moral concern. All particular moral concern is a mere vehicle for the pursuit of self interest.
Equalizing regard across identities is kakistocracy, the rule by the worst. Equalizing regard across all identities through conscious inputs to the regard structure which balance the unconscious inputs created by reality can only mean praising the worst and condemning the best, it can only mean describing the world as the mirror image of what it is so that the combination of imagined reality and true reality will produce the intended result of holding all identities in equal regard. This is kakistocracy, rule by the worst, as to avoid exploding the system these conscious inputs into the regard structure will have to be unacknowledged and falsely insisted to be true. When acted upon these conscious inputs will mean attacking the best and supporting the worst. Kakistocracy is the only result of equalizing regard across all identities through conscious inputs to the regard structure which balance the unconscious inputs from reality.
The lowest members of a group will be the most concerned with the group’s regard. An above average member of a group has personal regard higher than the group’s regard and so tries to deemphasize his group identity and emphasize his personal identity. This is done for the goal of maximizing regard. A below average member of a group has a personal regard lower than his group’s and so will deemphasize his personal identity and emphasize his group identity. This is done for the goal of maximizing regard.
Altruism leads to hatred. It is a mistake to think that affection or hate for other groups is derived from the memories of past treatment. It is solely derived from present competition for regard. To receive freely and uncompensated benefit from another group reduces the regard of one’s own group in the natural system. Any reduction in your group’s regard is treated as attack and met with hate. All attempts to improve relations between groups in the natural system through altruistic behavior makes things worse as the natural response to being helped is to hate the helper.
Laggards will never voluntarily advance. The advanced cultures of the world all advanced in isolation. This is no longer possible and all backward cultures can only advance in the full sight of all other cultures and grouping. Their current existence of backwardness will be acknowledged, it cannot be hidden while consciously attempting to advance. This will be too painful for all backward cultures and they can only advance if motivated to do so by the currently advanced cultures. The problem is worsened to the point of inevitable failure by being overdetermined. The advanced cultures will never speak with one voice and tell the backwards to advance, large elements within the advanced cultures will see their personal and group interest in lying to the backwards and telling them there is no advancement, no explanation for uneven success other than uneven power. Hearing two messages from the advanced group is inevitable and makes the situation over determined and so voluntary advancement by the backward is impossible.
Any attempt at gradualism will be interpreted as negotiation and fail. The instinctive response is to slowly walk the backward cultures towards truth through a long series of partial truths each closer to the full truth so that the pain of change will be reduced by making the change gradual. This will always fail as the backward races will always interpret any partial truth as a negotiation. The natural system is always partial truth vs partial truth and any partial truth is immediately interpreted as a product of the natural system and an attempt to negotiate. Only overwhelming change is real change, the natural system must be exploded by full truth. Contrary to human instinct this reduces the pain of change rather than increasing it.