Ok ... as for Obamacare, I understand that over 10 years, Obamacare will cut an estimated $716 Billion from Medicare. That might be part of the reason my parents medicare isn't covering their costs nearly as much any more. And I understand that Obamacare imposes new taxes on drug companies and medical device makers. That might be part of the reason EpiPen devices have gone from $100/2 pack in 2009 to 650/2 pack today.
As for guns, all of the gun laws effect law abiding citizens only. What does a gang member care about laws. Letting law abiding citizens purchase guns doesn't mean they are going to go stark raving mad. I do believe people should be required to have training before purchasing one. I also see that mass shootings tend to be in areas that are gun free zones. I suppose that could mean that bad guys with guns know where they can be bad and not have people shooting back at them.
As for the Immigration thing, I don't believe he would be able to deport 11 million people. Nor do I believe he would overlook those that are actually providing a benefit to the country. I do believe there are plenty of out of work citizens that are on unemployment or maybe even given up looking for work, to fill any vacancy created by someone who was deported.
Any way, I'm not trying to step on anybodies toes. Just giving my thoughts.