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RE: This is not what I voted for!

in #trump7 years ago (edited)

I watched the whole video and thought it was despicable reporting. There is such a double standard.

When the guy shot the congressmen back in June and the shooter was identified as a Bernie Sanders supporter the media was kind to Bernie when he said how can a politician be responsible for a wacko who voted for him. Bernie also put the blame on both parties and the media excepted that just fine. There was no two sides that day, just one lunatic. The guy who drove the car into the people is a fringe lunatic just as the shooter.

What about the 4 times Obama went on TV and got things wrong (completely) and didn't get any backlash from CNN or other media outlets? Remember Ferguson? How about when Obama/Hillary and crew gave us the BS excuse for what happened in Lybia? Blatent bold faced lie to cover up Hillary's State Department and the MSM gave them a pass except for Fox, Briebart and Infowars which broke it for what it was which was administration lying. How about the gun running cover up, etc, etc, etc.

The MSM just doesn't want Trump to be in office. They are fighting a media civil war against the Rebublican/Trump to do anything in their power to remove him. Russia collusion is all we heard for months (nothing yet after 1 year), then Trump's a mad man worse than Kim Jong Un and going to get us in a war and this became the talking point for a week or so. How much coverage have you seen about NK backing down due to Trump (close to zero). Before that remember how bad Trump was at NATO threatening to pull out if other countries didn't step up their funding so US wasn't stuck with the bulk of spending? Many have stepped up to 2% of GDP including Germany yesterday as Merkel announced. Where's CNN and MSNBC covering this giving Trump credit? Of course it's absent like any other credit he should get. CNN/MSNBC is only going to cover something they can spin to fit their needs, NOT THE AMERICAN PEOPLE.

Now of course CNN is playing the bigot card. They just won't stop. They will jump from topic to topic as long as it ruffles feathers and puts out HATE against Trump. Does anyone really buy Trump's a bigot? How many times does he need to reject these groups? Trump has been rejecting racism for at least 30 years as reported by the MSM but they won't show you this now because it doesn't fit their agenda. (all text, easy read).

Why isn't CNN telling you any of that? Why hasn't CNN/MSNBC mentioned his daughter, son in law and grand children are Jewish? Does anyone think these neo-nazi and KKK group's like Jews? Again it's not convenient and doesn't fit their agenda.

Watch Hannity's video from last night which covers and debunks much of the video in the op post. Hannity shows even more MSM propaganda the first video didn't cover.

Here is what you need to ask yourself about any journalistic outlet. Are they purely giving you a preposed opinion or just giving you the facts? Are they covering the different parts of the story to allow you the reader/viewer to make an informed decision? For example have any of you seen any coverage of Antifa at all on CNN or MSNBC? This group has been responsible for more HATE crimes than any other group in the US for the last year. So are you getting a full picture of the events or just the parts they want you to know about? I think it's clear that CNN is a propaganda network and MSNBC is a close second place.

How many of you know anything about Antifa before this past weekend? I'm surprised by the number of people who never heard of them. This group is so bad it's up for being recognized as a terrorist group in the US. Antifa is listed among ‘Domestic Terrorism’ groups by New Jersey and other states have bills on the table to do the same as well as a national partition to list them as a Domestic/Global Terrorism group.

The media freeks out because they think Trump was saying the counter protesters are EQUAL to the KKK and neoNazis which he didn't say but this really isn't far off the mark. KKK and neo's have a history but what besides talk have you seen lately from either group? Nothing, it's all talk. The KKK is listed as having 42 chapters in 33 states with about 25 members each. They are almost a non issue these days. Antifa on the other hand is a very active terrorist group in a few countries and growing.

Antifa (anti-fascist) is anything but "anti" as they are fascists. They try and dominate by any means including violence and they are proud of this. They condone the violence. They condone blocking or stopping any group they don't agree with from voicing their 1st amendment rights. They are militant and are proud of it. Don't believe any of this, just read their websites and the twitter posts of the leaders in each area.

But CNN and MSNBC won't cover them at all because Antifa is the militant arm of their message. CNN does what ever it can to discredit Trump and the GOP while Antifa hits the streets with violence to disrupt people (any group) from voicing their opinion. Look at all the speakers blocked from speaking at universities and other forums. Same this past weekend where they were successful in shutting down the assembly before it actually got started on Saturday.

So while you could argue Trump didn't use the best words he could have used which is true we all know he is a lousy speaker. No one voted for him because of his speaking abilities. But that is different than saying he hasn't condemned the KKK and other HATE groups. He has and is including Antifa although he didn't mention them by name.

BTW, watching CNN/MSNBC you would see they portray the white supremacy groups as being armed and in khaki uniforms. These were not part of either group. Quartz had a nice write up on these militia guys who came to help keep peace and help separate the crowds since they knew the police wouldn't. BTW, they said both sides were “jackasses” and were only there to guard the First Amendment.

So again another subtle thing that CNN/MSNBC got wrong but hey it fit their narritive of what they want you to think happened.

Now with all that said, I do take issue with one thing Trump said which was something to the affect that there one good people on both sides. I'm sure that's true for the counter protesters but I can't help to wonder how you could consider a person "good" who was on the side of those carrying touches and chanting some of the stuff they did Friday night. That's not a good person. Maybe Trump was referring to the militia guys or camera/press crews who also got attacked by Antifa for being on the side of the protesters??? But other than that comment I do believe what Trump said to be accurate even if not being super articulate or PC in what he said. Obviously car crash aside (one crazy individual just like the congressman shooter) the violence was "many sided" and really isn't up for dispute for anyone watching the videos unless of course you only watch CNN.


You rant about some conspiracy that the mainstream media is out to get Trump, then post a bunch of links to fox news and infowars. Do you even know what mainstream media is? What exactly is your definition of mainstream media?
I appreciate your honesty in that last paragraph. There are no good Nazis. There are no good Klansmen. The president seems to think there are, and that is our problem. Every time the President has denounced white supremacists, he has been reading the words of his handlers off of a teleprompter. Every time he throws shade at the counter-protestors and provides cover for the Klan, he is speaking his own words from his true heart. Only the most fanatical members of his base have failed to notice this, and that's why he is losing support from the corporations and politicians that are smart enough to know when to dump a toxic brand.