Why do people hate Donald Trump? - British guy asking for help.

in #trump7 years ago


Okay, so I ask this question to you half knowing the answer. Why do people hate Donald Trump? I am from the UK and don’t take much notice of American politics however since the Trump/ Clinton campaigns in 2016, it was hard not to notice what was going on. Don’t mistake my view, I am not pro-Trump. I don’t feel anything towards him neither good or bad.

Since Trump was elected, I’ve heard all the usual complaints. Racist, hates women, Russia helped him, hates Muslims. Those seem to be the biggest complaints and the reasons so many ordinary people and media slate him as an almost evil man. So I explored this.

First the racism thing against Mexicans. Correct me if I’m wrong, but people he said “He said that Mexicans and rapists and murderers”. Well, if you arrest hundreds of Mexican’s crossing the border who are illegal, are they not a problem? Trump was only talking about “some” of the Mexican immigrants, he also stated in the same sentence “some, I assume, are good people”. So basically he said some Mexican immigrants, illegal and legal, have been arrested and charged with murder, drug related crimes and rape. I know myself that Trump isn’t great with words so he says things very bluntly. I know it’s not politically correct to say it bluntly but is he not saying the truth? That some Mexicans are good, some are bad? He just seems brave enough to say it. Is it really racist to say that if the stats back it up? Personally, I don’t nuy into the argument that this was racist. Selective, of course but not racist. After all, every nation on earth has rapists, murderers, paedophiles, fraudsters, drug dealers etc. It says something however, that Mexico has a huge problem with drugs and murder. So it shou,don’t be surprising that once “some”Mexicans cross the border, murder can possibly follow. After all, Mexico led the world in murder stats. There were 18,000+ Murders in Mexico in 2015, which was a record. Surpassed by 2016 stats of nearly 23,000 murders which was second in the world to only war-torn Syria. It’s also worth noting that 98% of crimes in Mexico go unpunished. Borderhoping to America is just one of those reasons (as well as the other corrupt reasons). Mexico is also one of the drug capitals of the world, with its famous drug running cartels. So really, how terrible was it for Trump to say that bad people, as well as good people cross the border. I don’t thinks it’s racist, I just think he was too blunt for the sjw of the world.

Trump has also mentioned black crime, and been accused of being racist for it. However black crime is a huge problem in America. I feel that if these discussions are not had at itself is self harming to your country. It is not a lie and it is not racist to say that, according to the FBI crime stats, that black people are 27 times more likely to attack’s white people than vice versa and 8 times more likely to attack Hispanics than vice versa. 90% of all black people who are murdered, are murdered by other black people. There is a culture of crime in black neighbourhoods all over the country it seems and I don’t think it’s rscist to have a serious discussion on an obvious problem, it’s not racist when stats show a problem to say the stat. Again I think it’s more his wording. But I just don’t see it as racist to have a discussion if there are stats overwhelmingly in favour of a problem. I have a serious issue with any racism, two of my three best friends are black so it is a sensitive subject to me personally.

So I ruled out racism as a valid reason for hating Trump, completely. Saying some Mexicans who enter America are good and some are bad just doesn’t cut it with me. But I understand why the PC elite and sjw jump on it and convince themselves he is racist, I just don’t agree.

So then I looked into why he is called a woman hater. I saw that this came about recently when many many years ago, while he thought he wasn’t being recorded he said some degrading thing about his attitude to women. He brushed this off as “locker room” talk. What he said was not right, and if he ever did what he said he did then it would be disgusting. But, especially during a time where sexual predators in Hollywood are being outed, if he did those thing there would be a queue of women I’m sure screaming sexual assault. I’ve been in the pub with guys and heard many “locker room” talk type conversations. Rightly or wrongly, mostly wongly, it’s what a lot of guys do. Although distasteful I don’t think the person HATES women, or DESPISES women. It’s ridiculous to suggest. It’s simoly just an idiot with an idiot view. If anyone thinks that Trump genuinely HATES AND DESPISES women then you’re kidding yourself to suit your anti-Trump agenda. One comment, many years ago, off the record. SERIOUSLY???? That’s what the women have against Trump? Bizarre. This outrage culture makes me want to jump off a bridge because I don’t want to live in this kind of society.

Also, did Russia interfere in the election? Well, they didn’t mess with votes clearly but did they help with anti-Hilary propaganda? Who knows. Did a Trump know of this help? Who knows. But there is no clear way to know what difference it made. Personally I think people voted for Donald Trump because of the things he said, what his policies are. Did Russia sincerely affect the outcome? I don’t think so.

And finally one of the big reasons for his criticism. He hates Muslims, apparently. This I feel is the most outraged out of all the claims.

In May 2011, two Al Qaeda fighters where found and caught in Kentucky. They had used travel visas from Iraq. In response, Barack Obama enforced a 6 month travel ban on Iraq. Nothing was mentioned in the press. No criticism from the anyone, at all. During the remainder of Obama’s presidency, he drew up a list of 7 nations who he felt where the most dangerous countries for terror attacks with the intention of imposing travel bans while improved vetting at the border could be imposed. He never got round to enacting this piece of legislation.

When Donald Trump took office, he picked up Obama’s short list, and imposed the same thing Obama imposed in 2011 after the two Al qaeda fighters were caught in Kentucky, sort off. And by the way, no where in the executive order was there a mention of the word “Muslim”. It simply banned travel visas for a period of 90 days of citizens from 7 (Iraq, Syria, Iran, Sudan, Libya, Somalia and Yemen) countries who are Muslim majority countries, countries who are labelled as the 7 most dangerous for terror threats to USA. The executive order goal was to improve vetting on the border to ensure terrorists did not enter America and so for a period of 90 days, citizens from those countries temporarily could not enter. And unlike when this order was applied to Iraq in 2011 by Obama, when Trump tried to impose this in 2017, there was an absolute outrage. “Trump bans Muslims from entering America because he is Islamaphobic” was the cry. Some may wonder why the same accusation wasn’t lambasted at Obama in 2011 when he banned Iraqis from entering America for 180 days for the exact same reason Trump ordered.

To me, this ridiculous propaganda of Trump hating and banning Muslims from America is outright lies at worst, and hypocrisy at best.

So after half following the Trump witch hunt for the last 2 years, and recent research, as well as watching some hilarious YouTube videos where educated comedic reporters ask citizens why they hate trump the completely rebuke all accusations made against trump ( it was also amazing watching some Americans, when asked why they hate trump and they answered the usual “racist, hateswomen, banned Muslims” accusation, when they were asked why he was those things, the high majority didn’t know why. They just knew the headline without the story).

Therefore, I, not outraged or disgusted with Trump. Because I genuinely don’t see why he could be called racist, I don’t see how he can be called sexist or a hater of women, I don’t see how he can be called Islamaphobic just for ordering a 90 day ban for security review. I just don’t get it.

Many people would be outraged by what I’ve said, as that is the culture of today. I am a realist, which is the enemy to SJW who don’t like facts.

I hope no one has been offended by this post, but especially with the improv,met with the US economy and tax reforms being made. I don’t really see anything Trump has done wrong.


Because the media told them to!

I think the racist card comes into play because of wording, and that's a strong thing. You wouldn't ever see him say that the english are a threat because there are some good and some bad, right? That could be said for anyone, so why single out Mexicans? There are people immigrating to America from everywhere. For that reason, I find it hard not to say there's some racism.
Women? Maybe he is misogynistic, maybe he's not, but as a celebrity even, let alone the POTUSA ya gotta watch your words once again. Anything you've ever said can come back to bite you.
As for Islamophobic, I can't say I know enough details, but the way he has implemented a massive exodus for immigrants in general who were seeking refugee in the states, I think his policy is ridiculous. I'm not even American, but if our government had done the same I would be outraged. He's sending people out of the country who have built their lives there for a decade.
He just seems like a bit of a clown to me. Again, I don't live there and it doesn't concern me too much, but we are in pretty close proximity for him to compare the size of buttons with an unpredictable guy in North Korea for my liking.
That's the reason I'm not a major fan.
Plus, business man as he might believe he is, how does that make him an authority on the economy when he's claimed bankruptcy 4 times?
I'm actually pretty ignorant on all the details myself, not being an American, but looks pretty clear from where I stand...
I'd love to hear something that would make me feel differently. Please comment.

Hey man.

I understand what you’re saying and you made some valid points but their is a couple things I’d like to reply too.

You’re point on singling out Mexicans, I think that is just because they share a large border with Mexico and so illegal immigration is a problem mostly just from Mexico. The statistics on the amount of people arrested in America, and when they are processed their is no record of them because they’ve illegally crossed the border, is probably why he has identified Mexican immigrants in this instance.

Being careful what you say is of course important, but this comment he made about women was over 10 years ago I think it was, and he was secretly recorded having a “guy” chat. It’s hard to watch what you say all the time I guess.

Yeah I read about the “dreamers” thing and well, it is a horrible policy of his to remove it. He has since came out and said they are working on a solution which hopefully is done.

As for the bankruptcy thing, it’s a tactical thing done to avoid paying taxes. It’s in bad taste but it is incredibly common for billionaires to declare a business bankrupt than fixing it and having its debt written off. He’s never not had money, he just did what billionaires do all the time unfortunately.

I’m not a fan of him myself but I called a book a book which got me to write this blog. He sounds....incredibly unintelligent for a billionaire and president.

Hey Darren,
I completely agree with most everything you said. I think that you're 100% right about the Mexican thing, but as a leader (of the so called "free world") again, I think it's important to choose your words carefully. As much as he may think Mexico is their major concern, unless it's his only concern, everyone should be grouped together. Another instance that I can think of and didn't mention is his comments after the KKK rallies.
I can also agree with the female comments and it being hard to watch what you say all the time, especially before you're in power. But once becoming the POTUSA you have to imagine that anything you've ever said may come back to haunt you. I understand where you're coming from, but if I were a female American, it probably wouldn't sit too well with me.
I also understand the bankruptcy thing. I get it's a strategic move and he himself was never bankrupt and out of money. But for someone who is now in charge of the government which is asking for taxes from everyone, rich or poor, it seems like a pretty sleaze ball move and i find it hard to see why anyone would want him running their country.
I don't claim to be a smart guy myself, but totally agree with the fact that he doesn't seem overly intelligent in general let alone for a billionaire (probably because he didn't make the money himself and inherited it) or a president.
Appreciate the response, and I guess we'll have to agree to kind of disagree haha.

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Be nice to me 😅😂

Trump is racist. Historically and from a policy standpoint. He had issues stemming from years back went he did not want Blacks or Hispanics to rent out his apartment buildings. This is public record.

Are you aware of the Central Park 5?
Young teenage men were falsely arrested and convicted of raping a white woman in Central Park. During the investigation, Trump placed a full page article on how the teens were muggers and murderers and should get the death penalty. He spent 85k on full page articles across the city.

When they were found innocent through DNA testing and released.Trump never apologized. he actually said they likely assaulted the woman. This guy is racist.

Although I agree with some of his policies he is RACIST period. His commentary and responses are in alignment with what most racist people say. His actions have been racist in the past. His father was tied to the KKK. What more do you need?

Black on Black crime stats are bullshit. They are used as an argument to say that Blacks are more likely to commit crime, which is the racist media agenda to criminalize Black men primarily.

Did you know that White on White Crime is 87%? Only 3% less. This is a bogus stat used for dividing people. People commit crimes against people who live near them. In Europe, I can bet white on white crime is high.

I don't know where you got your other Black crime stats but that sounds bogus too. With the exception of socio economic status, All groups commit crime at similar rates. Prosecution and conviction of crime in this system is where the main issue is. Policing of and prosecution are higher and they get stiffer sentences which leads to a slew of other life long issues.

Either way, I read this and needed to set you straight for the record.

Regarding Mexicans, yes mexico has had murderers cross the border. However the majority of mexicans that come to america, simply work and pay taxes like everyone else. So for him to emphasize the criminal element was in bad taste and only divides people more.

He has been in collusion with Russia. It's fucking obvious. He's taken money from some suspect organizations in Russia. Also, If Russia has tampered with our elections, isn't this an act of war? Why doesn't he seem to have any problem with it?

I don't necessarily like Trump, but I prefer him over most of the alternative candidates there are to choose from.