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RE: Trump was shot at.

in #trump8 months ago

I'm with you—this is just a little fishy.

And I am also with you:

The sad thing is the biggest loser here with stupid shit like this are the citizens

This entire election is a circus. We are given an old man who can barely speak (seemingly) and another not quite as old man who can't say two works without a boastful lie and fanatic supporters who keep saying crazy things like all these crazy project 2025 christian fanatics. This is all theater. Both sides are just insane to me. This circus is only going to get worse.


I like the guy, don't get me wrong. He's not my favorite nor my choice if all considered but this is insanity. With all of this stuff though people lose out the most and that's what's most disheartening.

So much of it is absolutely theatre, but is it to the point where it's SO blatant and obvious, that it's falling apart and will be destroyed as it should be, or will it be a slow burn and continue to get worse? That's the really difficult thing to determine, and obviously on a lot of peoples minds.

If given a choice between the Marxist, destroy everything mentality and one where we are more of a Christian-based nation, I will go Christian every time. THIS is just NOT the way to do it, and it only plays into the more nefarious hands instead of weakening them.

That's not to say the Christians don't have their own issues, but it's better than this shit.