Trump never once (well maybe once) directly criticized the democrats nor obama. ( In my opinion he should have.) rather he just directed attention to what has been accomplished during his first year..and what remains to be don.e
why should the dhmikrats be upset about that. Obama said the same thing!
I would have laid the boot in personally, but after watching Trump handle foreign affairs, I can see his wisdom in stepping back @everittdmickey.
Let the people see who the Democrats really are.
This is the end of their political movement. They are done!
one would hope.
deeds..not words.
Trump has accomplished MUCH in only one year.
Many global events have already occurred. Signifigant but not obvious. A good example is Qatar. They were funding global Islamic terrorism. After being surrounded and embargoed by her neighbours, this funding of Islamic hatred is no longer happening.
Behind the scenes, it was Trump doing all the work to make it happen.
This one act is a huge step towards world peace.