Big numbers This is very unfortunate I have been amazed at these debts and now will increase, after absorbing the shock of elections in the next few weeks will turn the attention of the United States to the economy. Despite the FBI's announcements, secret emails, scandals and scathing criticism covering everything else, economic problems emerged clearly in 2017. The Congressional Budget Office expected the public debt to increase to more than $ 20 trillion, with no An appropriate plan to slow this increase. The so-called debt ceiling, which is temporarily suspended in late 2015 to avoid electoral year turbulence, usually in March 2017 but does not control spending or debt. Compulsory spending (where allocations grow automatically without Congressional approval) is on the rise, Depleted military forces as future challenges, according to Forbes.
Low growth is associated with low business investment. Wrong policies and weak official growth prospects reduce business risk. Perhaps the Federal Reserve has lowered its medium-term growth forecast to 1.8%, while the Budget Office predicts that annual US growth will be only 2% until 2026 and a low labor force participation rate of 60.2% due to the suspension of millions of workers. In the final debate for the presidential candidates, Clinton saw poor economic performance due to the 2008 crisis, although Robert Barrow's research showed that the magnitude of the crisis was directly proportional to the speed of the reforms. But in an old letter, Federal Reserve Vice-President Stanley Fischer justified the slow growth. Pointing to aging statistics, poor productivity, investment in business and lack of technological innovation. And not to the Fed's poor allocation of capital to issuers of very low yield bonds. After all, there are three major reforms out of the impasse: the debt ceiling is strengthened, so the president and Congress commit themselves to restricting spending when debt goes beyond limit: the federal constraint is crucial to bolster private sector confidence in future taxing. Improved checks and balances are necessary to comply with the 10th constitutional amendment and correct federal spending allocations. Simplifying the tax system and lowering tax rates, especially the 35% corporate rate: this would improve US competitiveness, encourage economic growth and create a more attractive investment climate. There is an added advantage: the profits of foreign companies can be brought into the country and the number of US companies that are expected to relocate overseas is reduced. He urged the Fed to stop manipulating interest rates and bond yields. While the Fed needs independence from politicians, it should not be oblivious to its weak economic performance or its rate decisions coincide with the end of the political cycle. As part of its two main tasks: price stability and maximum employment, it must clarify its responsibility for monetary integrity regardless of policy. @zer0hedge
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