Never mind losing in 2020. Democratic incumbents running this year are currently polling as less popular than Trump and in trouble. As Robert Mueller drags out his pointless investigation longer and longer, it just moves the "bad news" closer to the mid-term elections.
Oddly, Robert Mueller is unlikely to follow David Nunes’ lead.
This is far from over.
When they investigate all the smoke around Trump-Russia, they will find HRC with a smoke machine.
Never mind losing in 2020. Democratic incumbents running this year are currently polling as less popular than Trump and in trouble. As Robert Mueller drags out his pointless investigation longer and longer, it just moves the "bad news" closer to the mid-term elections.
Is the Stormy Daniels issue, a thorny issue, or a horny issue?
If Maxine was a hooker, would her name be Stormy Waters?
LOL Yes, middle name Climatic.
Trump colluded with the citizens of Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio, and Pennsylvania to win the election ☺☻
Of course "masturbatory" is a word!
🎶 When they think about Trump-Russia they touch themselves 🎶