UIltra Criminality & Hypocrisy Jay-Z, Hillary & CNN Don't Want You to See!

in #trump7 years ago

You'd think if there was ever a time in CNN's history to at least give the appearance of being an impartial news service it would be now.

But the recent black unemployment numbers have only served to exposed how entrenched they are in partisan politics.

Here's the new video:


I don’t think he’s being hypocritical. He’s just employing some good old Orwellian double speak. He probably believes both contrary behaviors as irrevocable truth.

Is there any truth to the stories about the CIA being in control of CNN? I am not from the USA so do not know how to find out or who to ask. Thanks to anyone that answers, in advance.

Yes, the CIA has been proven to have appointees that mediate the news coverage. Much of the real world news is filtered out. NBC, ABC, Times, Washington Post are others news organizations that are also compromised. CNN has fabricated stories under the cover of "anonymous source" to push their phony narrative. Some of the United States citizens are waking up to this phenomenon. Our country is full of great people that unfortunately have been deceived for decades about our government's agenda. Our political system, banking system and corporations are actively stripping us from our money and our constitutional rights. Donald Trump has begun to reverse the many, many regulations that have destroyed the wealth of this great country. Namely, we are drilling for oil on our own turf to become oil independent. This will be a huge economy booster for the United States as we are the #1 user of oil. Trump has a HUGE following in the United States, regardless of what the fake news tells you. His tactics are bold and can offend some of the older generation. But, his actions speak loudly and he has gained a massive social media following that consists mostly of the younger population. Without Twitter, Trump may not have been elected.

Great video Brian! Excellent editing with so many clips combined!!

I know the black people of America have been HORRIBLY mistreated and falsely arrested for being business savvy people , but we have to strat somewhere . We can’t just keep fanning the flames of racism and ignoring possible turn around . End the unconstitutional wars like the drug war , because it has been this class of citizens that are easily convinced that more law is better when what that witch Hilary should have been trying to do is give street gangs legitimate places of business so they didn’t not have to be on the streets selling their products which the people wanted . Consenting adults should not need the governments consent to conduct business in a free market enterprise . After all there are no gang wars in the sale or distribution of cigarettes and beer 🍻 🚬 ❓It is HYPOCRITICAL to act as if tho the black community did anything more then be good entrepreneurs . So you basically put many men in prison for being businessmen . And that’s why you FAIL AMERICA , because you are the problem . Your a sick dog that no one wants . Your that uncle that gets drunk at family gatherings and causes a commotion . Your parasitical , and the world is waking up to that fact . Great video AGAIN ❗️👏👍✌🏼♥️👊🏻

Money does not make happiness but makes misery a hell of a lot easier to live with. What would make happiness is to get government out of my business and stop redistributing my money.

And Hillary is NOT a super-predator?

Dude, tell me Jay-z wasn't being all weird and saying some shit like "superbug" and "spray something"... I don't know, just making connections in my head.. Ya know, we are experiencing one hell of a flu season, not including me yet thankfully, but remember when NASA or whoever said they were going to drop some bacteria and viruses in the sky and see what happens... Hmmm.. just thinking out loud. I know you research all these things.

Anyway, great video as always Brian!

These media lunatics man... I really find it so hard to believe people can idolize such characters. I mean listen to him... All his music is garbage to me. As well as most those others "artists".. if you would even call them that.

And how Killary "endorses" them all... like wake the fuck up people damnit! My generation is majority a lost cause i feel..

These types have no moral compass & operate on moral relativism which has no principles. They have no way of relating to truth or consistant reasoning. Their brains are damaged...better yet, perverted. So sad.😞

So, by going to the closet of all them artist you've proved what??
That they're rebrand that's why they supported Hilary or that Jay Z is a hypocrite.