Trump is a dangerous person. What part of my post implied he isn't? But he has also always been a clownish blowhard buffoon spouting nonsense with an intent to get a reaction. The system itself is far more dangerous than he is. The system gave him the nuclear football and the power to impose his opinions on others at gunpoint. That is the real problem, and it will be the real problem with his successor when he is replaced, too.
Clinton, Bush, and Obama all decided the Constitution wouldn't impede their schemes when strict construction got in the way. That tradition goes all the way back to Washington. They were just able to couch it in better doublespeak. As for social media, Obama was the first POTUS to significantly use it at all, so it's not like there's a lot of precedent. And we all know that Trump has no filter between his brain farts and his pie hole (or his twitter fingers).

I hate electoral politics, and I talk about it frequently because people think it justifies authoritarianism, war, prohibitions, police state abuse, etc. It's a source of perceived legitimacy for systemic injustice. That's worth writing about, don't you think?
Politicians can't help but be bad. Representation is a myth. Public choice theory, moral hazard, the economic calculation problem, etc. prevent them from making wise decisions. Voting the bums out always means just voting new bums in. We need to attack the perception of legitimacy if we want to strive toward real change. Be logical.
Glad we're on the same page about T-Rump
Yes, but write more about protesting and unions!
I heard a Rumor, that Trump may be able to Run, Two More Times...
They're saying that Congress might Rule his Current Term, "Invalid"...
December 27, 2019... 20.8 Hollywood Time...
I don't see how that is possible in any way whatsoever unless the 22nd amendment is repealed. What legislative process could invalidate the last several years altogether, anyway? They still happened.
It's a joke my friend
It was a joke... lol... Oh boy...
December 27, 2019... 22.2 Hollywood Time...
I've seen people seriously say such things. The internet is full of misinformation, after all. And I have no idea how seriously to take someone who includes Hollywood time on all their comments.
Of all things... Hollywood Time gets to you...???
December 27, 2019... 22.6 Hollywood Time...
you're creepy, bro
Good morning! Hollywood tines works fine with understanding; also the digital clock!
How are you? My ICU is quiet right now - I shouldn't say that to the end of the shift.
I re-told this joke to my family at x-ma's: it was a hit!