So The last 3 weeks have been Crazy!!!
For One, I got Fired from my "Safe, and Secure" Android job at CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) for showing up to work drunk after my lunch break (first fuckin offense!).
A week after my Kangaroo Court Trial with HR and Talks with my subpar Lawyer (Union Representative) I was unemployed.
With literally no money in my Bank Account (Maybe like $100, I got no severance, maybe because CBC has a fuckin year long probation period! I was there for 9 months).
I was left with a choice to make.
Would I go back to work.
Or would I take this opportunity to do what I always wanted to do.
Build a Fuckin Empire!
So I said fuck it.
I'll never become a Millionaire working for somebody else. I'll just go to the next job, work for a few months and end up getting fired.
Because I'm a fuckin Cowboy Coder! (An unemployable or unmanageable Developer that will at some point be driven to do their own shit and build a Unicorn).
So I did what I knew best.
I talked shit (I'm probably one of the best shit talkers on the planet).
I went to a pretty active Blockchain Meetup here in Toronto.
And I gave the most Crazy Speech.
I said I was going to build an Army, Fuck up Google, Amazon, Facebook, Uber.
I said All of these Companies were Fucked.
That it was the Dawn of A New Age.
That The People would own Technology not Corporations.
That everything would be Decentralized.
That every job would be Automated.
But that it would be okay.
Because we the People would own the Technology.
And we the People would live like Kings!
It was Epic!
Like I actually give Epic speeches. It's a known fact (I'm actually not talking shit here, God given Talent).
People erupted in Cheers.
The Organizers reminded me that I was going over my limit (for community announcements lol I had to sneak in the Epic speech somehow).
A Trump Supporter came up to me and shook my hand. It was surreal.
So I decided to run with it.
People are tired of the way things have been.
People are losing jobs to Automation.
They need a Leader.
I said fuck it.
Why not me?
Nobody else is talking about this shit.
People are acting like it's not happening.
No Fuckin Job is Safe.
We have to find a way to implement Universal Basic Income.
The Governments won't do it. They're too damn slow.
Why not us?
Why not The Blockchain?
So I talked with my good friend Antoine (Blockchain Genius, second only to Saint Vitalik).
And I said hey,
Is there an easy way for the average joe to get Tokens in New Distributed Applications when they ICO.
He said nope,
They got to use Parity, Mist, My Ether Wallet, or some other Open Source Solution and Know their Shit.
Right then and there, Dyno Wallet was born.
A simple and easy way for the dumbest person on Planet Earth to buy Tokens in New Distributed Applications right when they ICO!
Why ICOs?
Because minus all the legal hula hoop jumping.
We all know that Tokens represent Ownership in New Distributed Applications.
(Except The Dyno Token it's purely a Utility Token).
So when is the best Time to get that Ownership for Dirt Cheap (and in some cases free)?
Initial Coin Offerings Baby!!! (ICOs)
I know that. You probably know that. But does the average joe know that?
He's missing out on a shit load of money because of the technical barrier to entry.
So I said,
Dyno Wallet will be the easiest way to participate in ICOs.
Dyno Wallet will give People Ownership of New (Super) Distributed Applications.
And Dyno Wallet will make a shit load of people, a shit load of money!
Oh yeah and Dyno Wallet will help fund (and or implement) Universal Basic Income.
But Dyno Wallet isn't that interesting.
The real story here, is The Quasi Nation State that I'm building on The Ethereum Blockchain.
The Dyno Empire.
I've already had 65 Soldiers Pledge Allegiance.
It looks something like this:
"I Pledge to bring Ownership of Technology to the People.
I Pledge to Contribute to the Empire in whatever way I can.
I Pledge Allegiance to the Dyno Empire."
- Dyno Empire Pledge of Allegiance, Circa 2017
For the time being I give Soldiers 1 Million Dyno Tokens (Currently worth $100) for taking that Pledge of Allegiance.
But It has to be in person, or over Video Chat, and they have to sign up on our website
Where was I ...
The Dyno Empire.
It is what is ultimately going to drive up the value of The Dyno Token.
Sure, The Dyno Wallet will also drive the Price of the Token up (People use it in the app to Participate in ICOs, List ICOs, Vet ICOs, etc).
But The Empire.
The Empire!
Millions of People who are sick and tired of losing their jobs to Automation.
Millions of People who want to see a World where the People own Technology.
Millions of People who want to live in a World where the Poorest live like the Middle Class of Today. And The Ambitious live like Kings!
Millions of People who believe in The Dyno Token.
Millions of People who believe in The Dyno Empire!
That's what's going to make this a Multi Trillion Dollar Project.
And Every Dyno Token holder Today, Multi Millionaires.
Buy some Dyno Tokens!
You can email [email protected] to Buy your Dyno Tokens Today!
We accept Interact E-Transfers in Canada.
Bitcoin or Ether Everywhere else.
We've raised $14,500 in the last 2 weeks. And are looking to close a couple big deals in the $30,000 to $50,000 range.
Look how life switched up.
I was literally broke and unemployed 3 weeks ago.
And there is now a real chance I will raise 1 to 10 Million Dollars in the next Month (Pre ICO).
And 100 Million to 500 Million when we ICO New Year's Eve 2018!
It's going to be a Big Party!
You're all invited!
Drake, The Weeknd, and Migos will be there (I'll make sure of it $$$).
And for anybody who emails [email protected] with the Promo Code SteemitBaby and buys at least $1000 cad worth of Dyno Tokens ($10 Million Dyno Tokens). I will personally fly them out to our ICO and pay for their Accommodations (have to limit it to the first 100 I can't go too crazy).
Because I am 110% sure this will be the Biggest ICO in History.
Because I'm a Politician and This is a Political Campaign.
A Campaign to bring Innovation and Technology back to The People.
And I probably talk more shit than Donald Trump.
Here is a link to our white paper (Pitch Deck) lol:
We'll clean it up at some point.
So that's my Story.
There's still a lot more to come.
You will probably see me talking some crazy shit on VICE, CNN, or Aljazeera soon. Not CBC, because fuck them.
I have hope for the Future.
I have hope for The Empire.
Tomorrow will be Better than Today.
Yours truly,
- King Jibar, Dyno Empire
This gif is just intended to be funny, liked your post, upvoted it, but don't click the gif!
Someday this post will stand at the entry way to the Dyno museum...