I am a millennial... OUCH!
But I agree with you, I'm actually so embarrassed of my peers that I want to hide in the corner and lie about my age. I feel like I am an exception to the bulk of millennials.
I don't get how we turned into such entitled brats. Maybe we didn't learn the proper skills growing up, We desperately want to change our environment, We don't want to see people starving and without an education. But at the same time giving it for "free" isn't a choice. Like you said, it takes out the special part of it. Then having this "education" becomes worthless.
You have to work hard in life to get what you want. Sometimes you lose... Sometimes you fail.. and sometimes Donald Trump becomes president.
Sure, Trump wasn't my ideal president. I wanted the third Party Gary Johnson to win. But I'm not crying and throwing a giant tantrum over it. Instead I'm looking at some of the positive things that Trump CAN bring to the table. Because everyone has something to offer. What many people my age don't realize is that Trump is going to make things MORE FAIR. By reducing the tax on the rich and middle class, Which will enable the rich to offer more jobs and grow their businesses. For the sake of the economy I feel like Trump is a decent pick. I disagree with him with a lot of things, But I know what he is going to do will probably work it's self out.
It amazes me that millennials can't handle being wrong, Can't handle losing. Instead of doing something different, Or taking responsibility, They blame the system. If they wanted Hillary to win so bad, Why weren't they walking down the street holding signs? Why weren't they trying harder to promote her?
I love this post! Im embarrassed at my peers right now, But it's so true.