Donald the Trickster

in #trump2 months ago

For an European viewer, the most bizarre moment of the inauguration yesterday was the President of the United States performing for the crowd. Take the Commander in Chief Ball. Donald and Melania Trump walk on stage, greet the public and… start doing a little dance for the people. Nobody else was dancing. All had their phones out and were busy filming the president dance for them. A scene that would not have been out of place at a concert. The Vance family joins the Trumps and they, too, start dancing. Then they dance with members of the military, while the cameras never stop.

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I have nothing against Donald Trump doing his by now trademark moves to the YMCA anthem. It’s his thing and it’s fun to watch. I love it. But performing for the crowds? It’s quite stunning for us Europeans, where heads of state are usually stuffy and protocol is more rigorous. While I found the moment a bit unsettling, I am inclined to say that it has to do with the American spirit. Many of those present at the three inauguration balls in Washington paid good money to be there so it’s only fair they get some bang for the buck. One has to admire Donald Trump. After such a packed day, to find the energy to perform for the crowd is quite a feat. It’s not just about his age. Most of us would be exhausted after such a day. Not to mention poor Melania spending the whole day in criminally high heels. Had they walked in a ballroom and joined the dancers on the floor it would have felt natural, but up there on stage they were clearly just performing for the crowd.

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Americans love a great show

As a nation, America is extroverted, to a degree that is unparalleled in Europe. Imagine the late Queen Elizabeth or Vladimir Putin dancing for the cameras of their subjects…The mere thought would have the queen rolling in her grave, as we say round here. Psychologically speaking, I’d say most Americans belong to the sensation type. People who value material possessions and relate to the world through sensation, through experiencing things. In this case, watching. The ball attendees got to watch the president dance for them and they found it a gratifying experience. It was well worth their time and money, as my sensation-type friend would say.

That was probably the point of the weird indoor parade, as well. Put on a great show, for those inside the arena and the millions watching at home. At one point, one of Vance’s kids was that close to throwing a tantrum. Can’t really blame the poor kid. Presumably the adults felt the same. Especially Donald Trump who was waiting to start signing all the orders he had ready. One can imagine the January 6 rioters in jail waiting for Trump to sign the pardon order, but, no, there’s another school band that has to perform at the parade. Not to mention Trump throwing away pens at his supporters, just as a rock band would throw guitar picks to their fans. All in all, great show!

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Savior vs. Trickster

Donald Trump is an excellent showman and that played a big role in his successful comeback. As leaders go, Trump does not embody the archetype of the Savior, and this is a very good thing. Some of his hardcore supporters may see him as a Savior, but he is not. Hitler embodied the Savior archetype to his followers and in his own mind, and can you imagine him dancing to delight the crowd?
Given his America first and foremost rhetoric, Trump as Savior could be a disaster for the rest of the world. Trump is the Trickster archetype, which sometimes approximates the Savior. The role of the Trickster is to challenge and disrupt the status quo, which he did brilliantly. The Trickster uses mischief and cunning to attain his goals. His supporters praise his cunning, while his enemies decry the mischief. Most important, the Trickster can be a force for good … or evil. His first moves, the first executive orders signed are a good sign. For the time being, we can hope he will deliver on his promises, but one should never forget he’s a trickster at heart.

Thanks for reading



Interesting viewing the DT phenomenon from an external point of view. DT really is a "populist" president, part comedian, part entertainer, part politician. He's all these things, but the people who voted for him believe that DT is a lot more than his "tv persona" and sincerely wants to do what he says he wants to do, namely (as he says) "Make America Great Again."

Is it a trick? I don't know, but the media turning "MAGA" into an evil 3rd reich type movement really drink too much of their own kool-aid. The people who know, know. He may put on an act on occasion, get the audience laughing or dancing, but the majority of people here know that despite his showmanship, he's the real deal. The "look out he's a tyrant in disguise" is a lie by the tricksters in the media, in my opinion.

I hope he can stay alive for the next four years and do what he said he will do.

Here in Romania we've currently re-enacting the whole "look out he's a tyrant in disguise" thing. The elections were cancelled when it became clear a populist would win the second round of the presidential elections. The exact scenario, complete with Russiagate and the new Hitler accusations.
I am convinced there's more to Trump than his TV persona and now, when he doesn't have to worry about re-election, there's a lot he could achieve. Provided, as you stay, that he manages to stay alive.

The elections were cancelled when it became clear a populist would win the second round of the presidential elections.

That's horrible... exactly what many feared would happen with the Trump election. When the corrupt are in power, they do not willingly give it up. The peaceful transfer of power only happens when both sides are "peaceful".

The peaceful transfer of power only happens when both sides are "peaceful"

Like DT was when he lost..

Like DT was when he lost..

On January 6, 2021, former President Donald Trump began his speech at the "Save America Rally" at approximately 11:57 a.m. Eastern Time. The speech lasted over an hour, during which he repeated allegations that the election was stolen and encouraged his supporters to march to the U.S. Capitol.

On January 6, 2021, at approximately 4:17 p.m. Eastern Time, President Donald Trump released a video message on Twitter urging his supporters to "go home." This message came after the Capitol had been breached and violence had ensued. In the video, Trump reiterated false claims about the election but asked his supporters to disperse peacefully. Shortly after its posting, Twitter removed the video for violating its rules and temporarily suspended Trump's account.

"We have to have peace... so go home."

When are the new elections? Surely they can't just cancel and not have a new one. And won't the populist guy still win?

They've been rescheduled for May. As for the populist, Georgescu, it's doubtful for now whether or not he will still be allowed to run, or if he has a chance to win. I suppose only time will tell.

show proceedings yesterday. Even I, coming from Africa, would have felt quite uncomfortable watching this oddball odd Ball!Haha @ladyrebecca, brilliant...I loved reading this! I never watched any of the

Given the political situation in my country we're watching the new American administration closely. We've even had presidential hopefuls buying tickets to those balls... tens of thousands of $ a ticket from what I hear, just to impress their social media followers with their "close ties" with Trump.

A interesting perspective for sure .. the President is elected.. and for 4 years only. He has to keep public opinion on his side if he wants re-elected.. The Queen and Putin were never elected. The Queen (King now) is just some blood line BS.. and Putin rules with fear.. but neither cares about the public opinion because they can't be voted out. If they could they'd act a whole lot different I'm thinking