A month ago, i never would have thought it, especially having received the Republican nomination for President. But more recently, i'm really starting to wonder.
In just the past few weeks he's made so many gaffs one has to wonder if these are just innocent mistakes, or if these are being done on purpose to bleed supporters to other candidates.
His first gaff was doing a sit down interview with a news reporter (why did his people advise him to do that?), where he slipped up / took the bait and criticised the mother of the dead muslim US soldier for not saying anything. Gaff number two was at a rally when he got upset over a crying baby of all things, and pretty much had the mother with baby leave. How utterly stupid is that, how could he not know that would be bad PR, and finally word got out that he said about using nuclear weopons, 'why not'.
Take this with a grain of salt, but i heard a caller on a radio talk show say that in a New York Times interview Trump secretly said (i take that as meaning off the record), he wasn't really going to build a wall. I did a search and there is an article by Politico.
Now if that is indeed the case, so many Trump supporters would feel so betrayed and used., would turn away and sink his chances of being elected.
The same caller also said that Trump met up with Bill Clinton of all people just weeks before launching his campaign. I did a search and yes i found an article on them having a conversation. If that conversation did indeed take place, what on earth is going on?
And if that wasn't enough, i find on the Drudge Report articles which say endorses Paul Ryan and supports John McCaine. What's that about??
One more thing, he hired the advisor of Bob Dole and Romney, both of whome lost their respective elctions, what is that about?
Whose to say, Trump secretly hasnt made a deal with the Clinton's and when she gets elected his company will get to pay zero tax and get heaps of tax concessions and benefits and will get a foot in the door in China?
I upvote U