Voting for someone based upon their race is just as racist as not voting for someone based upon their race. We've all known that Obama is a raving racist, and he's proven it once more. When Biden said "If you don't vote for me then you ain't Black", everyone called it out as being massively racist. When essentially the same thing is being said by a Black man, it is no less racist just because he happens to be Black. It just reiterates the fact that the dems do not believe that Black people have the right, nor the capacity to think for themselves.
Ironically, racism is color blind, as the definition of racism is thinking of someone in a certain way or treating them in a certain manner based upon their race. Period.
The majority of the Black community is on to the truth, which is why over 50% of the Black community now supports President Trump and sees through Obama's and the dems' massive racism.
The Black community is finally waking up to the fact that the dems are the true racists & have been using them for votes & political capital, making all sorts of promises every 4 years, only to not fulfill any of them. In fact Black people actually fare the worst under dem leadership relative to any other demographic, & actually fared better than any other demographic while Trump was President.
As more & more Black people support the Republicans and President Trump (the demographic which benefitted the most from President Trump's policies was the Black community), the democrats and the “woke” liberals/regressives have proven their massive racism once again-as apparently they don't believe that Black people have the capability-nor the right-to think for themselves. And once any Black person does break from the "party line" and doesn’t think the way that they are “told”, the liberals themselves attack & denigrate them & call them the very disparaging & racist words that they condemn others for using – this is racism in its purest form.
All the dems do is pay lip service to Black people every four years in return for votes but never deliver on any promise they ever make. How is anything they have done going to actually help a Black individual? Will renaming streets, removing statues, changing syrup logos, kneeling while wearing the scarves of slave traders, etc. put more money in any Black person's pocket? Will it enable them to get better education? Will it give them better lives or better opportunities for their children? A lot of noise and what APPEARS to be things being done, but nothing is really being done - at least nothing that actually helps Black people. All it does is get dems votes (which is all about which they really care - they really don't care about Black people, otherwise they would make good on some of those promises they make them every four years). And btw when you donate to BLM, the donation actually doesn't go to Black lives - rather it goes to an organization called ActBlue, an arm of the democrat party which funnels all of the money (that people think they are donating to BLM) to the democrat party and its candidates, in addition to organizations which directly fund recognized palestinian terrorist groups. The dems were the slave owners and the creators of the KKK and Jim Crow laws - and now today they are still using the Black community for their own benefit, so they are effectively still slave owners. The Black community has been unwittingly drafted by the dems as pawns to fight the race war created by the dems in an effort to stay in power, while the Black community receives nothing in return other than more oppression by the dems and their being kept down by the dems as a result of the dem policies. The plantation has changed but the slavery by the dems still very much exists today (The only difference is that prior to 1865, they knew they were slaves, whereas the dems have cleverly enslaved them again without them even knowing).
Remember - the democrat party is the party which created the KKK and Jim Crow laws, opposed civil rights, literally walked out of Congress rather than vote to give Black people the right to vote, and whose 2016 presidential candidate (Hillary) was officially endorsed by the KKK (David Duke was no longer their leader) and had close proven ties to them and other white supremacy groups (she, Pelosi and Biden even referred to DEMOCRAT Senator Robert Byrd - who was a proud and outspoken LEADER of the KKK - as her FRIEND AND MENTOR at his funeral) (remember Hillary's referring to Black people as "ne'erdowells" & "superpredators", not to mention she & Bill's direct ties with the KKK?). And whose 2020 candidate (Biden), who also referred to Byrd as his MENTOR, created the law that resulted in the MASS INCARCERATION specifically of Black people – often times for their first offenses, and often times for crimes that were not even violent (and President Trump REVERSED this law, freeing a great many Black people who were victims of Biden’s racism); and is a segregationist as he actually adamantly opposed and fought AGAINST desegregation (he actually said that desegregation would turn schools into a “racial jungle”!). AND WHOSE 2024 CANDIDATE (KAMALA HARRIS – A DIRECT DESCENDENT OF SLAVEOWNERS (HER PARENTS) WENT OUT OF HER WAY TO SEND MORE BLACK PEOPLE TO JAIL THAN ANY OTHER ATTORNEY GENERAL IN MODERN HISTORY (AND MOSTLY FOR NON-VIOLENT CRIMES). So the party is the same racist party as it has always been. President Trump, however has been praised by many Black leaders (before he chose to run against the dems) as a "true friend of the Black community".
Despite the rhetoric of the media and the dems, President Trump has done more for the Black community than any president since Lincoln (and the demographic which benefitted the most from President Trump's policies was the Black community). In addition to creating the lowest unemployment for Black people, as president, he enacted REAL criminal justice reform, reduced sentencing and the number of Black people in prison, created programs to help those who have served their time by getting them jobs and reuniting them with their families, and invested in Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU’s). In addition, President Trump is an extremely strong supporter and vehement advocate of charter schools, which give inner city children access to private school quality of education without any of the private school cost. They are literally designed to level the economic and racial playing field, giving inner city children the same advantages as those from wealthier families, and while President Trump vehemently advocates for charter schools, Biden, Harris and the democrats adamantly oppose them at every turn.