Trump Vows To End Inflation Crisis, And THIS Strategy May Do JUST That...

in #trump26 days ago

President Trump outlined a comprehensive economic strategy centered on repatriating manufacturing jobs from overseas, stimulating automobile production, and implementing significant tax cuts.

President Trump relies on substance to remind Americans what matters most: results. The % of DEMS saying he meets presidential expectations doubled-more Americans FROM BOTH PARTIES currently agree with Trump on matters which matter most to them than they did with Barack or Biden at this point in their "presidencies". Once a businessman offering promises, DJT is now an accomplished commander-in-chief rivaling our best presidents & he did more for this country in 4 years than Barack and Biden did in 8. Despite the dems & media obstructing him at all costs, he fulfilled almost every promise. The booming economy was his crowning achievement-middle class tax cuts, no inflation, exceedingly low REAL unemployment rate (with families able to cover their monthly costs with only one job, as opposed to the situation today under Biden), elimination of wasteful & unnecessary regulations, & trade policies favoring workers had finally produced the long awaited economic recovery forestalled by Obama's policies. AND THE DEMOGRAPHIC WHICH BENEFITTED FROM HIS PRESIDENCY AND POLICIES THE MOST WAS THE BLACK COMMUNITY, not to mention the fact that President Trump enacted real criminal justice reform (as opposed to the unfulfilled promises of the dems throughout the years). In addition, President Trump was the first president of modern times in which there were no wars during his term (unlike the current state of affairs with Ukraine and Israel). DJT also achieved bipartisan prison reform & secured funding for border security despite dems determined to derail his entire agenda. All accomplished despite unrelenting harassment from dems who falsely accused him of colluding with Russia & obstructing justice as they've no good rebuttal to his effective policies. Their obstructionist strategy is all style & no substance-exactly the opposite of Trump.

And the reality is that despite what they SAID would happen under President Trump (rampant inflation, $5 gas, economic collapse, loss of global respect, starting World War III, etc.), the country as well as the economy was never in better shape and there were no wars. ISIS and Al Qaeda were gone; Russia, China and Iran were in check; and the world was far safer because we had a strong and respected leader. Now the terrorists are all back, as are Russia, China and Iran. And inflation, unemployment and crime are rampant. In addition, under President Trump the US reduced carbon emissions more than any country in the Paris Accord. EVERY BAD THING THEY SAID WOULD HAPPEN UNDER TRUMP (NONE OF WHICH EVER OCCURRED) HAS ACTUALLY OCCURRED UNDER BIDEN AND HARRIS. SO IF YOU WERE OPPOSED TO TRUMP FOR THOSE REASONS WHICH NEVER ACTUALLY OCCURRED, THEN THERE IS ZERO REASON WHY YOU SHOULD EVER VOTE FOR BIDEN, HARRIS OR ANY DEMOCRAT AGAIN. Unless of course you are just a hypocrite filled with hate and your words mean nothing – and everything that is occurring in this country is very much your fault as well.