Release it all

in #trump2 months ago

I feel like all I'm doing these days is receiving bad news through my optical nerves and regurgitating negative cud for my blog. But, although I suspect it will be not very often; today I have something to be content about.


Better late than never

Ever since I learnt about the death of these important characters, my mind has gravitated towards all sorts of conspiracies. I mean, it simply can't be helped. And, the fact that the government has been holding these documents for so long, has to confirm the simple fact that there's some bovine excrement about the official narrative.

That being said, I feel like aside from satisfying our curiosity, certainly mine at least, it wont change much about much.

There are things we actually do know, like the fact that the CIA is pretty much the terrorist wing of the American government, and such scandalous statement can be backed by mountains of evidence easily found these days.

My suspish antennae is tingling though

There's just too much happening in very few days, and I can't help but to think there is something else at play here.

We are, or at least I should say; I feel like I'm being bombarded with events, with information of such magnitude, that I'm bound to miss something important happening in the background.

But, I'll give it to him

Unlike other Trump detractors, I've said: When he does something right, like his recent pardon of Ross, I'll recognize him and thank him. Why? Because I'm not a partisan hack...



Let's remember, an executive order isn't a command. It's more like a want "I want us to do this" that skips the pesky Congress part. The court can still overturn any executive order, and even his admin can fumble the ball and not actually do anything more on implementing the executive order. I strongly suspect that will be the case here. If these documents are actually released, I'll be shocked.

And if they actually are, I would almost lay money there is no coverup except the gov trying to hide their own incompetence at discovering what actually happened. And so the conspiracy people will be unhappy and claim further conspiracy and nothing will change.

i believe you may be on to something, because it seems like it was blocked last time he tried. Meaning, he attempted to release JFK and Pompeo blocked it for some odd reason.

I've always said that if they've been hiding this information for over 60 years, it isn't to protect a person (who by now would be elderly or long dead) but an organization still extant. I just hope that whatever is released hasn't been tinkered with over that long period of time. Just come clean and release it all.

it has to be the CIA, it just has to be.

Or the military. I remember how shocked I was years ago to read that whenever MLK gave a public speech out in the open, he had military snipers trained on him in case he called for a violent overthrow of the government.

I also read that RFK got a warning when he announced his run for President back in 1968, warning him to drop out, and that if he refused, they would kill Dr King as a warning to him. He reportedly called MLK and asked him what he should do, and King told him not to worry about him, but that to run anyway as the American people needed him. They were both killed months later. If this is true, it makes me respect both of these brave men even more.

thats frocking crazy and I had no clue.... man...

I wouldn't expect this was a super high priority for most people. Seems like a distraction from other shit. I care more about him doing what the oil industry paid him for.

that is what my gut is telling me

lol when it's finally released and just all redacted

dude... your gonna jinx it! lol

I'm very curious what we wil see in the files, but my intution is that it will be less than most expect.


Posted using Political Hive

twitter is already going conspiracrazy over this... and with AI, the shit showing up on my feed is bonkers


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