I saw this being shared round on X and I had to check if it's true. I mean, fakenews is the name of the game over there, so assuming something to be real is irresponsible.
There is no way
I've seen some people say on different news outlets that Trump simply doesn't understand tariffs. They even go as far as to explain the process of importing a product into the US, to make sure that whoever is still spellbound by his "brilliant" plan can see how it's all backwards. But I'm convinced this is not the case...
If Trump didn't understand tariffs, he does now. The first time back in his firm term he thought of tariffs as a solution, the first time the implementation of his beautiful tariffs was applied, implementation that sent a lighting rod through the farmer economy, leading to government subsidies, he understood.
I'm sure someone with the patience of a pre-k teacher sat down and explain the whole thing to him back then. So, why is he singing the same song all over again?
No, it's way worse
The very idea that the US can create this new agency and collect royalties off the world is hilarious at best, pathetic at worst.
How can you collect a tariff from a foreign source?
Hey China, I'm sending you an invoice OK?
Volvo and North Korea
A detour to illustrate my point if you will...
Back in the 70's North Korea made a deal with Volvo for a bunch of cars. But, since North Korea has been and still is a country who doesn't give a single fuck, never paid a single penny for all those cars.
Guess what? Sweden doesn't have a way, a logistical method to recover the funds, aside from saying:
Hey guys, you still owe us money, and with interest it's a lot more...
Game of Thrones but without Folic Acid
I imagine there are some people among the ranks of MAGA who believe this is just awesome. They probably imagine trump sitting in the Oval office intimidating other countries into sending us their gold, as if he was a King in a world like GOT.
Where is your tribute serf?
I guess a feel a little bad for those people, but just a little bit. You can't really fix that level of stupid nor you should try.
Trump knows this
This whole thing has to be a charade, a distraction from something. For all the warnings they gave us about Trump on the first term, for all the fear mongering, he was and is still today, just a standard republican candidate.
Tax cuts for the rich, deregulation and appointing conservative judges. Yes there was tons of corruption, war crimes and what have you, the same bs that happens every cycle, but he was effective at ruling like Republican, so he did.
There is little someone can tell me that would convince me that Trump believes he can collect revenue from other countries in the same way that the IRS collects from us the plebs. Because even if he uttered such idiocrasy level idea to his people, there is no way someone didn't explain to him how you can't milk a rock.
We should be asking ourselves...
What is actually happening right now? Why so many distractions?
I do not mean to sound too conspiratorial, but it's just too much show for a man who hasn't even taken power yet.
Don't you think?
The guy loves attention and the media tends to help him with that. I don't believe much he says. A lot of it is probably not legal and changing the law is not so easy. Tariffs get paid by the buyers so anyone buying imported goods may be worse off. The US won't suddenly re-grow a manufacturing industry.
Prepare for chaos!
there is no way Trump doesn't know this basic fact by now.. this is why I'm strongly leaning towards this whole thing being a distraction.
Just smoke and mirrors.
Anything that is imported is done sow because it is unavailable or prohibitively expensive. So! The costs of everything that American businesses need internationally to grow will go way up one way or another. Catastrophic for the smaller players. If they pay 20% more (assuming those tariffs are enforced and collected at a 100% rate), that extra 20% will go to the government and big business (which effectively own the government) and the rich get even richer.
Assuming this goes the way people who know economics know it will, the US economy will tank, and bail outs will go out. The last time this happened (with Trump!) the overwhelming majority of those bail out dollars stayed with corporations and rich folks and didn’t make it anywhere close to the people.
He wants to crash the economy so that wealth divide gets even more immense, again.
This is what happens when people fall for hype from a proven snake oil shill, the fiscally uneducated choose the leader, and being a bully is disguised by being tough.
if you are right bro, I hope you are wrong... But, if you are right, then it's civil war... there is just no way people would put up with this shit
I am not so sure about that. They bought his lies and stupidity in the campaign and will most likely buy them when he blames any negative results on Sleepy Joe, immigrants or someone else.
Not to beleaguer the conversation but can you imagine what would happen if Mexico and Canada became part of the US like he is saying should happen? First of all he couldn't tariff them anymore. Second, all those "illegals" from the south he loves to demonize would suddenly be citizens and he would have to sort out a rickety infrastructure of people who would rebel against the laws. Third, Canada is mostly like the west coast in its voting. With all those new democrats, they would never win an election again.
Such embarrassingly ignorant knee-jerk sentiments with zero thought about the future and their effects.
We also now have counties talking about seceding from states. See: https://www.indystar.com/story/news/politics/2025/01/14/indiana-general-assembly-bill-allows-illinois-counties-succeed-join-indiana/77696471007/ (basically several IL counties said they would look into seceding from IL and IN voted to allow them to join). We have already had Trump claim foreign nations as part of America and suggest renaming geographic features. I'm not surprised by anything at this point. I should research buying some alcohol company stock... because I think I won't be the only one drinking more these next four years.
What is happening?
Idk man, I may be a few years away from the fifth floor, but I feel like anything that can happen is happening right now.
How is this even a thing?
I didn't pay too much attention to Trump the first time around.
Trump 2.0 might be a little more interesting with RFK and Musk running amuck.
The tariff thing is kinda funny and assumes we actually have the infrastructure to make these products in house... we... don't. But hey you never know maybe 3D printers go hogshit wild and we can start building some of this stuff ourselves.
Maybe after massive chaos a technological revolution will lead us to the future we see in "Back to the Future II" after all...
But first, shit has to hit the fan big time
Tariffs are paid at the sale, like a sales tax. They're added to the purchase price Americans pay for products imported from countries taxed with tariffs.
I'm all for it - as long as income taxes are eliminated completely. Otherwise it's just double taxing us, and I'm agin' it.
I'm all for a simplified tax system. What you suggest makes sense, but the way it's being proposed would be simply triple taxing American citizens into poverty.
If this was the only information that was available that would indeed suggest that. However, my recollection is that during the campaign there was some furor that arose over the proposed elimination of the income tax completely by the Trump campaign. Since wages aren't defined as income, which is defined as return on investments, the income tax should never have applied to wages at all, and the IRS is a criminal enterprise IMHO.
However, I am under no illusions that anything good will come from the USG, and rhetoric that sounds good is the best we're going to get while we're taxed to death, burned to death, and subjected to 1000 cuts that all lead to death.
IMG source - Peakd.com - The Outer Light
In this screencap the expenditures of taxpayer funds are revealed to be used to effect the opposite purpose government claims funds it seizes from taxpayers will be used for. Instead of providing useful and beneficial fire protection with the funds taken from property owners, arson is imposed on those property owners and they are financially harmed, if not killed with their own money. However I do not believe it is incompetence or ineptitude that causes such contradictory consequences, but malevolence and evil intention. These parties aren't moronic incompetents unable to tie their shoes. They are Machiavellian masters of public manipulation that use our money against us and convince us it was an accident before doing it again, and again. That is what the record shows, and common sense suggests from the massive financial support from oligarchs funding these officials' campaigns. Those oligarchs didn't become oligarchs by supporting morons, and it is ridiculous to think they continually succeed at hiring competent personnel to run their business operations but always support complete idiots to run government, when it is proved over and over that the supposed idiots lie constantly. Idiots can't lie their way out of a paper bag, but these smooth criminals take our money every freakin' year.
Over time government is corrupted as criminals serially attack it's personnel and institutions, eventually completely taking it over. Sir John Glubb showed in The Fate of Empires and Search for Survival that there is a life expectancy of ~250 years, and the USA is 248 years old presently. We are clearly in the terminal stages of rot from within prefacing collapse and replacement.
However, as Caesar showed by creating from the Roman Republic the Roman Empire, which persisted for ~200 years after replacing the republic, it is possible to reconstitute such an empire and start the clock over. Far be it from me to prophecy what is to come, as I am a humble carpenter banging my thumbs for my supper, but, despite all appearances, the world may not end tomorrow (or on Jan. 20).
Does anyone know where I can find info specifically tied to Trumps tariffs as it applies to importing Chinese built electric scooters?
Thanks in advance!