Pop-Up "Trump" Store in Springfield, Illinois

in #trump6 years ago

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Driving to a concert held at the Illinois State Fair earlier this month, I drove past this pop-up "Trump" shop in Springfield, Illinois. Regardless of how you feel about our 45th President, I found it odd that anyone would open a store to sell merchandise based on a single individual.

I don't remember seeing Obama outlet stores, George Bush kiosks, or Bill Clinton retail chains.

As someone with a background in entrepreneurship, I once admired Trump for his abilities as a marketer. Whether it's by accident or not, it's clear that he remains able to appeal to an audience and have a loyal fan base.

I couldn't see myself ever being a big enough fan of a politician to put a sticker on my car, shirt on my back, or flag in my front yard. Humans are flawed. We see this in the sports world with athletes who are idolized only to disappoint fans who thought that their stardom meant they were credible role models.

Maybe it's not that odd of a thing to you, but it stood out to me and compelled me to take a picture.

What do you think? Share below.


Yer new business venture? :)

Hahahahahhahahaha, no!