Why Donald Trump is not a Racist and why Everyone should stop acting like he is one!

in #trump9 years ago

Donald Trump is certainly a person not afraid to speak his mind. And sometimes to his detriment. I certainly don't think he should have said that the people coming here from Mexico are rapists among other things. I think he spoke out of anger since he is passionate about the subject. But Donald Trump has been in the public eye for over 30 years and nobody considered him a racist before he ran for President. He employs many Latinos and African Americans in many of his business ventures. Certainly more than Hilary Clinton does. I think by him wanting to keep Muslims out and stop Illegal immigration all stems from wanting to keep this Country as safe as possible. Especially considering a lot of attacks that have been happening in Europe and many other places. Perhaps his vision ultimately will not work but i do believe he has the best interest for the Country at heart when saying some of the ridiculous things he has said. I live in Arizona where there are many immigrants and am surprised how many i have met who are actually for Trump. I'm sure there are more against him but he still does have a Latino fan base here. I recently spoke with some friends of mine who are from the UK. They said one of the main reasons people were voting for the Brexit to happen was cause of all the middle eastern refugees allowed in Europe and whom migrated to the UK. Many are suspected of having potential terrorist ties. I think mainly it happened because these poor people are just scared and who can blame them?  With the direction the world is heading i'm not sure why anyone would want to live in a place that is less safe.


Trump was referring to the news stories being reported at that time. The democrats used his blunt truthful language to slander him for political gain. http://www.breitbart.com/big-journalism/2015/06/17/media-meltdown-commences-after-donald-trump-goes-full-honey-badger-on-immigration/

It is well documented that both illegal immigrant criminals are raping people, and that they illegaly return after being deported and commit more crimes. http://www.breitbart.com/texas/2016/05/26/previously-deported-illegal-alien-child-rapist-captured-new-mexico/

The human smugglers also rape the immigrants they bring across the border, so often that there are 'rape trees' they use to hang evidence to scare current victims. http://www.breitbart.com/texas/2016/04/25/rape-trees-dead-migrants-consequences-open-border/

These things are not brought up in 'polite' conversation, but it does not mean that they are not true and happening right now due to the insecure border.

Nobody ever called Trump a racist, until he ran for office against a Democrat.

I'll point out that it is incredibly false to claim Trump isn't a racist and has never been portrayed as one before running for president. Trump lost a lawsuit regarding racist discrimination policies as early as 1973 this was also one of his first news appearances. Since then he has lost multiple other lawsuits for being a racist. Trump is, was, and will continue to be a racist. If you want to vote for him that's fine but lets not pretend he doesn't say and do racist things.

You can be sued in the United States for fuckin looking at someone with your eyes crossed lol. Just because he had lawsuits doesn't mean he was at fault. You DO realize that when you have billions of dollars it makes you a shiny attractive object for suing, right?

Err'body wants a handout in the US of A.

Except it wasn't he was sued it was he lost the lawsuit. Also it wasn't for looking at someone the wrong way it was for not letting black tenants move into his apartment complexes and lying about occupancy to them. The other lawsuits were about employment discrimination. These cases had merit since he lost them or settled out of them. The guy is a racist scumbag.

Whats the alternative Twirdman? A racist evil witch that carelessly hides deletes and handles classified information and tries to rig her own election? We shouldn't be surprised though, look at her adulterous lying under oath Dirtbag scandalous husband.

I love posts that make a debate!!