Trump is not as terrible as I thought he would be

in #trump7 years ago

Let's be clear; he's still a statist wielding ludicrous amounts of power, he's a megalomanic, and by all accounts his fondness for tariffs and the threats thereof is quite alarming.


He has this odd fondness for fulfilling campaign promises. His administration squashed the TPP and "net neutrality," and more recently the comically one-sided Iran deal - and it sure was a deal for Iran. (Hopefully he'll never get around to the wall, though.)

Given my interest in east Asia, I've been watching what's going on with North Korea. I know "X-dimensional chess" is a meme, but I'm starting to wonder what kind of machinations are going on with the on-again, off-again summit meetings. It really does feel like he might be beating the Norks at their own diplomatic head games.

I'd still prefer to see the federal government eliminated, so it wouldn't be truthful to say he's better than nothing. But he's certainly shaking out to be better than the more realistic alternative, Hillary, by a longer shot than I could ever imagine.

And also, he still pisses off all the right people. I know that's not a very good criterion by which to judge someone, but…