Trump to temporarily ban immigration, "xenophobic scapegoating" much?

in #trump5 years ago



What a truly evil, shitty, nasty thing it is for the President to tweet out a threat against the rights of millions of people in the middle of the night, all the while providing no details at all.

Spending literally weeks denying the danger of COVID-19 and then refusing to implement actual measures to save lives before abruptly deciding to use the crisis to harm vulnerable people is pretty much the rancid shit we should expect from Trump and his supporters.

Only yesterday, they said the contagion was a lie, and that we should re-open businesses. Now, it's severe enough to suspend immigration despite immigrants having nothing to do with the disease that's been here for coming up to six months.

Let me be very clear. Immigrants are good for the economy!

They are extremely hard workers, for one, typically willing to work jobs most Americans aren't (with a very low reserve wage.) In Addition, they come here and pay taxes, to say nothing of how they spend their money each time they go out to eat, go shopping etc.

Don't think of the "economy" as an apple pie, where we all have a small slice, and the more people there are, the smaller the slices get. It's far, far more dynamic than that, and the free movement of labor through immigration is super important to any kind of free market.

Banning immigration hurts the economy. The same way that banning me from working in city A just because I'm from city B would hurt the economy.

Trump and his supporters can't just lose in November. They must be crushed. We must bury them, and star the long, sad path to repudiation of everything they stand for.

Fuck Donald Trump, and fuck everyone who supports him.


Apple Pie, with salty tears. Roll on November so we all get another 4 years of golden entertainment.

Pretty sure trump knows more about the economy than you, hence why since he became president the USA went on a non-stop bull run

ACTUALLY, the ban should of been more strict... since, in your own words, you have little information regarding this tweet, you should watch this short clip and realize trump should of been harsher

So “Let me be very clear”.... stop going to mainstream media and twitter and letting them tell you how to think.

I’m not even American and I can see clear as day how your president is going against to evil elite of the world

Hence why THOUSANDS of pedophiles have already been arrested since trump went into office, do you even know how many thousands of children have been saved already due to his actions toward the Mexican boarders?

Best part is I’m not even American or a Trump supporter, just someone who can see clear as day how the world is fucked and trump isn’t a bi puppet pedophile like Obama, or a rapist like Clinton and his devil wife, or evil Bush and his family... the democrat, Soros (Rothschild puppet) finances have you brainwashed

I thought people getting into crypto were smarter than this and were red pilled early on

Btw, Biden is in mental decline, Trump will win 100% unless he is murdered, willing to bet you 25,000 hive Trump wins

Looking forward to read your

a) triggered response
b) shockingly polite and intellectual response

It’s just politics at the end of the day, don’t get so worked up about things you have no control or knowledge of just to look cool