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RE: Trump vs Media - Fire and Fury TwitterStorm Warning

in #trump7 years ago

You don't get to be as powerful as Trump was even before he was president without trampling on people. What worry's me most about him is I think he is clinically mad he keeps talking up his own intelligence he has all the classic signs of a narcissistic dictator. Does he think he's God & is he hellbent on Armageddon or does he think he has been appointed by God to start Armageddon & if he does how many Americans are dumb enough to believe him & blindly follow. Is it even him tweeting or the men behind the curtain that run the show. Who knows personally I don't trust anyone with Orange skin if you are too stupid to get the colour of fake tan right then you are too stupid to run for president in my humble opinion. I couldn't believe it when him & Hillary were the only choice for voters if I was American I would of stayed home on election day.