This is rabid anti-semitism. Are you implying that my Jewish 6 year old nephew is part of a global conspiracy to enslave the "aryan race", and he ought to be in a concentration camp?
He just learned to read a few months ago. What the hell is wrong with you people?
1- Jews are not Semite, nor Israelite or Hebrew.
2- Jewishness is not an ethnic association
3- Jewishness is a political group
4- Jews are Turkic Mongolians
5- The Turkic Mongolians destroyed civilizations and enslaved many nations
6- Scythians, Indians, Iranians, Levant, Israelite, Arabs, Africans, Europeans, Caucasians, and Russians all these suffered terrible crimes from Jews and other Turkic Mongolians.
7- This is not a theory, this these are real historic crimes with hundreds of millions victims since 700 BC.
8- There is no religion called Judaism, and Moses' religion is not Judaism.
9- A child cannot be a member of religion, Jewish is not a nationality or ethnicity.
10- Jews and all other Turkic bandits are the only antisemitic in this world and Semitic Israelite are their victims.
The six Turkic main groups (without mentioning those in Russia, Africa, and Central Asia) are:
1- Turkic Muslim in Anatolia and Balkan, (fake Caucasians since Eastern Tourkia (Khazaria) in 650 AD),
2- Turkic Shia Persians (fake Iranians since the Achaemenids in 550 BC),
3- Turkic Talmudic Zionist Jews (fake Israelite since the tricky Babylonian “Return” in 520 BC),
4- Turkic rulers of Arabia (fake Arabs, following the death of Islam in 655 AD),
5- Turkic “Hindu” Indians and Gypsy (fake Aryans since the Persian conquest in 530 BC), and
6- Turkic Europeans (fake liberal Christians since the “Holy” “Roman” “Empire” in 962 AD)
Plus these groups are the Turkified Scythians who invaded, enslaved, and created the Slavs and Thracians in Caucasus and Balkans since 600 BC.
Your accusation is deliberate baseless hogwash. The Jews are Turkic and all the Turkic are still destroying Whites, Blacks, and Asians.
If anyone wondered why most of the Jewish political group and other Turkic groups look different from Mongolians? The explanation is in racial devastation and slavery they did to Whites in the Crimean and Caucasian Khanates for very long time.