Trump A Threat To The National Security Of The United States

in #trump7 years ago

Having read, "The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump", "Fire and Fury" and "Great Again"; I am left with the conclusion that the POTUS Donald J. Trump is a paranoid narcissistic malignancy that must be removed from office. How is it possible that nobody saw this coming? How is it possible this is allowed to continue? Donald J. Trump is making a mockery of the office of POTUS and Jarvanka are helping him do it. It amazes me that with those three running the country it hasn't imploded yet. What really scares the hell out me is the fact he has the launch codes and if he decides to push the button in one of his many paranoid outbursts, there is nobody and I mean nobody to stop him. There is no veto on the button. Once he has confirmed the launch codes we are all fucked. His lunacy may very well be an act to scare the hell out of everyone else but you just can't make that shit up so I tend to believe his isn't crazy like a fox but crazy like a crazy. So let's assume for a moment that 90 percent of what Wolff wrote is "Fake News". That still leaves 10 percent being true and that 10 percent is scary stuff concerning the mental health of the most powerful man in the world. On the other hand let's assume that only 10 percent of what Wolff wrote is "Fake News" and the other 90 percent is true and "You just can't make this shit up", Donald J. Trump needs to be removed from office while the office still exists. The United States is a fascist country and with Donald J. Trump at the helm, racisit, white supremist and more of a hegemon than under any other president. Never in the history of mankind has one empire been the cause either directly or by proxy of more death and destruction than the United States of North America. This of course is not solely the fault of Donald J. Trmp. We in South America wish to make that distinguishable, you are North America and we are South America. Destroying cultures, peoples and countries and laying them bare polluted with depleted uranium through the use of dirty bombs, assassinations and subversive propaganda to destabilize governments who do not do what is demanded of them makes the United States the most hated nation in the world today. Shame on you for allowing this POTUS to continue, shame on your for allowing death and destruction through illegal wars, shame on your for the raping of countries resources as if they were your own and shame on you for defying the word of the higher power, whichever one you believe in.


North America has been doing what you accuse Trump of doing forever. Takes longer than 1 year to clean up a half century, or more, of fake politicians cruel ways. You will see when the dust settles.