This Act of trump demonstrates his lack of interests in Gun Control and American Lives.
His responses to recent 17 death by a mentally ill young person is to blame President O'Bama and the FBI and getting under citizens skin.
Also, trump did it because he has no official allegiance to the American People and The United States Government, by not accepting a salary.
The incendiary remarks trump made this morning are an abomination. trump and trump alone put the weapon in Cruz's hands when he abolished the law one year ago that DID NOT ALLOW those with mental issues to get guns.
He and he alone out of hate for Obama and all the good things Obama did removed a logical law that helped to keep Americans safe.
Only if you are involuntarily committed to a psychiatric facility are you going to fail a background check as far as mental illness is concerned. The ACLU saw it as a civil liberties argument.
I suppose the NRA saw it as selling more guns but that's just my opinion.
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Good work keep it up if your post have not quality content then i will stop upvoting service for you
Jezz when it will finish... 😢
Can you please provide proof that President Trump abolished the law that did not allow those with mental issues to get a gun?
Also can you please tell me some of the good things Obama did for this country cause I can tell you about 20 things he did to destroy this country.
nice post dear......
impressed & fantastic!
He shouldn't had nullified the law, the laws are for the protection of people and if you nullify them people are in great danger, one should always think about the safety of people.
It’s Trump’s party — and Trump himself — who have consistently prevented the federal government from doing anything about this kind of situation. @sarahlouise