"..The US election campaign has plunged to new a level of accusation and toxicity after Donald Trump claimed Russian leader Vladimir Putin had no respect for Barack Obama and appeared to imply he used a racial epithet to describe the American president. ..."
Probably very difficult to imagine that in Russia the word "negro" ("negr","негр") is not an insult .Also, such as in Brazil. In Brazil, the offensive is the word "black". In the US, on the contrary. "Nigger" is a harsh word, and "black" is not.
In Russia, there is no word "nigger", "nigga". The "negro" ("negr") is a different word. It is not offensive. It is consonant with, but it is not the word "nigga".
In Russia, the "Negr" is not an insult .It just a man with black skin color .Only all.
And the most important thing.
I've never heard that Putin called Obama a "negr".If ask people on the streets is very likely that no one also did not hear.
Russian speakers, who have heard that Putin called Obama a "negr"?
Русскоговорящие,кто-нибудь слышал чтобы Путин называл Обаму негром?