7 years ago in #trump by sgtreport (69)
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You had my attention until you got into cannibalism.

Richard Dawkins is a thinker, end of the cannibalism promotion story.
so much reward for a women eating a men???
SGT (Sean) you are a bright source of light! It's an honor to watch your videos. I upvoted 100%!
That’s a really a great and very noble step, if it’s actually true.
This is a very encouraging piece of news for this morning.
human Trafficking is one of the greatest bane of the 21st century and one of the most horrific malaise of our time.
Thumbs up Donald!
That is true. I hope Trump and other world leaders take acute action against the people who are involved in doing this horrible and horrific business of human trafficking.
Unfortunately the the richest people of the world are ones who support most of the organized horrific crimes against poor and helpless people. I really doubt that politicians will ever be serious about taking action against their rich criminal friends.
But let’s just stay positive, and hope for the best.
I would love to see the end of slavery in my lifetime.
I could not be more dubious.
I was on a Grand Jury that inspected the jails in Multnomah County, Portland Oregon's county. In the new 4th Street Justice Center (at the time) a black man said 'This guard is sexually abusing me.' and pointed to a guard.
I explained that 4 of us on the jury had been beaten by police, and we had no power to help him. The guard said 'I'm gonna get you for that.' The Assistant Deputy District Attorney that was acting as our counsel (our minder) kept us from doing any damn thing about that, or any of the other abuses we learned about.
The USG, the states, and counties, in the USA are the largest slavers in the world. Every prisoner is helpless, forced to work for free or a pittance, and most are either innocent of the charges they are being held on (~25%) or were simply selected at random from a population that is almost ubiquitously guilty of jailable offenses.
The first P in the three P's will require the USG, the states, and the counties that have held slaves and forced them to work and otherwise abused and misused them to be prosecuted.
If it is just.
If it isn't just, who cares? It's just more apologia for slavery (statism), a sleight of hand distracting us away from the other hand picking our pocket and luring our kids into indoctrination centers where they can be disarmed for convenient mass slaughter.
I'll believe in any of this stuff when there's some charges filed. Rhetoric doesn't change the world. Only action can do that.
Yet we still have YET to see a single large fish being PERP walked, CONVICTED, and JAILED to date.
All fluff and words for now. Like I said before, EVERY SINGLE DAY that goes by without these big fish on the loose hundreds of children are brutalized, raped, tortured, and killed!
It's about BLOODY TIME for ACTION rather than words!!! It's all show.
I too am impatient for action. The idea that it's all a show, however, discounts the sealed indictments. They are now over 18.500, all filed since October of last year, and the average is 1,077 per year. It is a delicate operation, and many people will need to be taken in at the same time, so it takes time to orchestrate.
There may also be the consideration of when best to drop the hammer, in relation to the midterm elections. If that is the case, then I agree with you, we can't waste any more time. If, however, the timing is based entirely on making sure we are able to round as many up as possible, with cases tight enough that they won't be able to use our corrupt judicial system to slip away, then we can wait.
I agree it is a show. Enjoy the show!
the action must come from us. it is the only thing we can control.
Thanks for your comment.
As a guy who likes facts rather than heresay, can you point me to the official sources of the 18,500 sealed indictments? I'd like to make sure they all actually exist. I've seen some on official sources, but not all. Thanks.
Thank you SGT Report for another great video. Even though the content wasn't particularly tasteful. For example, pedophilia, killing and cannibalism, the work that went into this video how-ever was great. I look forward to more of your work.

Good Morning Sean.
You & I are on the same 'wavelength'.
Have a good-night sleep now.
Cheers X-
I read, saw, enjoyed your post, nice and innovative. Thanks for sharing post.
For future viewers
God Bless you and your work, Bother.
so we have heard that trumps own daughter has been using child labor to produce clothes, so if this is true, will he be targeting his own daughter as well?
Things are about to break and we will never be the same. Please keep the protection of the innocent in prayer! We need to stand with our President when the time comes Do Not FEAR our God is with us! May God Bless America.
its coming quicker than we think. New lawyers, new grand jurys, new special prosecutors... its happening! :)