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RE: Chasing After Trump's Schtick

in #trump8 years ago (edited)

He acts and talks like someone who is mentally ill. Sorry but if you can't actually see that he has problems, you aren't that smart and are incredibly deluded. There is nothing logical about supporting Trump, you have to throw out a massive amount of information to still think he is a good and sane person.

And what is with this demonising of liberals? I don't understand this at all. Yes, I know the right have taken a lot of flack from left wingers over stupid stuff, but it seems to have created this immense irrational hatred. A lot more people I've seen now just despise the left and think they are literally insane, you talk of them as if they are barbaric retarded animals.
I think this is extremely unhealthy, and I would urge anyone who strongly despises the opposing political faction to stop and just find some middle ground where you do agree, and try not to generalise millions of people by putting them into a single extremist category.

Not all conservatives are racist or KKKmemberrs, and not all liberals want to destroy the USA, okay? So please, just take this into consideration when you are talking with someone with opposing views.


Libtards... democrats founded the KKK

That wasn't my main point at all. That is literally the least important part of my comment to respond to, I wasn't even going to add that kkk bit in but for some reason I decided to.

Anyway I watched the video, that was interesting. But, it is really just talking about the democratic party, not left wing ideals. I don't think me being left wing means I'm tied to the democrats, even though they've changed from conservative stances to progressive.