'My mom told me Trump touches ladies inappropriately' – Kids protest Trump in DC

in #trump8 years ago

Some 50 protesters and their children held a "Rally for Kindness" in front of Trump International Hotel in Washington DC on Saturday, urging US President-elect Donald Trump to consider the moral lessons he is allegedly teaching children as he readies to take office.

Ruptly TV :

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Sick how they are brainwashing little kids.


"We decided to do something that wouldn't perpetuate hate."
Maybe an "I hate HATE" sign?
50 PROTESTERS! Now we're talking 'real' news eh?
Thx for sharing this, it looks like those children couldn't care less what their parents are fussing about here. Smart kids!

I hate watching people use kids for political agendas.

Yes, that's always pretty sad.

Watching this gave me a flash-back to first grade, when the teachers and librarians made us sit through a bunch of indoctrination on Earth Day, and at the end of the day made us make signs, get our coats on, and go march around the school to "protest pollution" and "acid rain" (I don't think we were using the term "global warming" way back in the early 80's.)

Even as as kid, I remember thinking how bizarre and abstract it all felt... i.e., that it was a bunch of BS.

Kids being used for political and ideological agendas is twisted and perverse. These parents should be ashamed... granted, most of them have the same propensity for critical thought as the average toddler.

It is sad and pathetic imo.
I don't think they should have their kids taken away but I also don't think those people should have had kids. lol
It looked like all single parents, don't remember seeing one couple in the video.
I guess I was lucky that I actually had some awesome teachers growing up in public school. I cant even picture having teachers make us march for political reasons. Im thankful you were able to grow up and see it for what it was.

I should mention I grew up in Toronto. I think it's well-known what hyper-liberal zombie-sheep people tend to be there, as with most of Canada.

I think most places are the same in the usa and Canada with the sjw bullshit going on.

Where is the brainwash? It is quite plain that Trump is a sex offender. Grab em by the pussy is his motto. It doesn't get much clearer than that.

citation please. just because you say it is his motto does not make it his motto. also he said they let him do it.
brainwashing as in teaching kids that cant even drawn in the lines retarded Marxist propaganda the way other people brainwash their religion onto their kids. they should be able to come to an age to learn all the aspects and make up their own mind not be pumped full of retoric.

It's in the mirror toots...check it out!!!

That was obviously a joke. Satirical comment if you take it in context. Your precious Bill Clinton visited Jeffrey Epstein's pedo island. You have no idea what the establishment politicians are involved in so you want to nit pick about some crass banter between men 20 years ago. Trump isn't a satanic child raper. Look up MK Ultra sometime

Nice one trump lover, it was a joke., right. what do you base that on? And where is your comment about Bill Clinton coming from? Am I fan of the Clinton family because Trump is a fascist sexual predator?
I'm an anarchist, for the record.

Funny. Wonder if they are paid to be there like the other group was.

Oh shit I didn't even think about that.
someone needs to do a 4 moth craigs list back check for someone paying mothers with kids to protest. or maybe even ak the food banks around the area if they had anyone offering to pay people for simple protesting work.

The food bank in the town im at often has atleast one guy there offering "protesting" or "survey" work when people get the free food. $10.50 an hour I think I heard him say last time. offer in a bonus for each kid and I think most single moms would jump on the option to make some side money like that on the weekends.

how much more hateful does it get than for parents to lie to their own children?

I don't think the kids even understand what its all about. They are just doing and repeting stuff that will make mommy happy. its super fucked up