Should Trump drop out?
We need to remember that God uses all kinds of people for his purposes The message is sometimes carried by a flawed messenger. This is a test to see if people are emotionally controlled by their own self righteous indignation or the broader much larger picture.
And who knows, judgment does begin at the house of the Lord so maybe this is God's way of punishing his people for their self righteousness attitudes in the face of so much compromise that is in the church. The scripture says that God allows evil kings to rise to punish his people. Hillary is going to be used to cause our lives misery and pain . The
church is so distracted it's not even listening.
In the Old Testament the prophet of God and the people were not listening and God literally spoke through an animal , a jack ass, to get the attention of the prophet Balaam He was on his way to bless an evil king that would turn and destroy Israel.
Ironically the prophet argued with the jackass!!! that's how far off he was in his thinking and how self absorbed he had become . It takes a narcissist self-absorbed idiot to argue with a jackass
Hillary Clinton will inflict such severe damage on this nation and on our civil rights of religion, freedom of thought, right to assembly. And make no mistake She will use departments of government on turbo drive as weapons against the people who disagree with their progressive agenda, there will be no going back.
In the end it may take a jackass and a mean SOB to fight against it. It's pretty obvious that most of our people are too thin skinned and to codependent on other peoples opinions to put the gloves on and beat the hell out of the enemy.
And let's be clear. Hell is driving the enemy and its agenda. And in its wake is the carnage of the unborn dead; An assault on the bill of rights and your right to protect yourself from intrusive authoritarian government or criminality; a direct assault on freedom of religion; on freedom of speech; and you're right to fulfill Christ's great commission to preach the gospel. There will be open persecution both economically and politically of anyone who disagrees. And there will be no Justice Department to defend you or a court to rule in defense of your rights. Now who's the jackass?
I'm not electing my next pastor or a replacement for Mother Theresa
I'm also going to accept Donald Trump's apology for something he did 11 years ago and thank him for that apology and his acknowledgment that it was wrong.
I have yet to hear an apology from Hillary Clinton for trying to destroy the lives of five different women raped or molested by her husband. She's not apologized for sullying their names and going after them with "hit squads " to defame their character. The purpose of which was to advance her power and her own political fortunes.
I'm also waiting for an apology from people who are going after Donald Trump after his apology and admission of wrong and request for forgiveness. Why? I would like their apology after they erase all the computer cookies of porn that they have been watching over the years; porn that degrades women and men; Lust that they hold in secret and no one knows about but themsleves. To quote Jesus, don't worry about the splinter in your brothers eye until you deal with the board in your own.
Am I going to vote for Donald Trump? My business
Am I going to vote for Hillary Clinton? My business.
What I am going to do is look for some adults in the room that will discuss the incredibly serious economic and national security issues facing this country instead of reading the headlines of the National Enquirer as my voting guide.
Killary Clinton should be replaced with Bernie Sanders or if that's too much to ask then Jill Stein should be allowed in the live debate that is televised by Clinton News Network, CNN.
The Bible Thumpers have ruint the GOP.
They had the perfect candidate in Ted Cruz..then they kept on kept on thumping the bible and scared off most of the agnostics and atheists (that's ok. you don't need us anyway)
So you didn't have enough to support you got Trump
Trump is a manchurian candidate for the democrats. It no longer matters what happens any longer. When Trump got the nomination the election was in the bag. A liberal democrat was going to win..
Which Trump are you referring to exactly? Red Tie Trump or Blue Tie Trump?
It's funny how you mix up God into elections rant. As if God has nothing else to do.
If anything you should have mentioned Devil because both candidates are much closer to Devil on the goodness scale.
As for who will win – it most likely will be Hillary. She represents the money establishment. She’ll be very obedient just like all other presidents were, except for those who were killed. Trump is a while donkey. So better to neutralize him even before elections, rather them shot him after them, if he doesn’t budge.
Trump should and won't ever drop out, he has come this far for a reason. This is Divine Intervention for the USA. I am from Canada and can see from the outside all my life. I'm 65 now. Hilary is compromised and only thinks of herself, she's only an actress, she lives with a rapist! Think about it!