Twitter user @botcx expressed her desire to receive an apology “from every white person that tried to convince me that this level of hatred didn’t exist in America anymore:”

Well, I’m giving it.
I’m sorry that white hate won last night.
I’m sorry that white people elected a lunatic.
I’m sorry that the white race has not evolved.
I’m sorry that a perverted, sociopathic white conman will be given a free pass to trample on human decency around the globe.
I’m sorry that black people will have to go through the racial hate all over again that we all thought was gradually going away from this country. (or so we thought)
I’m sorry that white people didn’t listen to Robert De Niro:
I’m sorry for all the white people on Facebook who were too ashamed to admit they were voting for Trump, and then secretly did it in the privacy of the voting booth.
I’m sorry for all the hate-filled white people who drink the KKK Kool-Aid.
I’m sorry that the KKK even exists in 2016.
I’m sorry for all the white misogynists who poisoned the airwaves with their deep-seated hatred of women.
I’m sorry that women got fucked over….again.
I’m sorry that white people are so stupid to believe that Trump is even capable of managing something more complicated than a Twitter account. He can’t even do that.
I’m sorry that all my non-white friends will be feeling terribly uneasy at night when they try to hold back their sadness, rage and horror, as they continue to carry on with dignity.
I’m sorry for every decent parent in this country who has to find a way to explain to their children what the hell happened on November 8, 2016.
I’m sorry for every parent who had to read their children a bedtime story on November 8 with a pit of horror in their stomach.
I’m sorry for all my Muslim friends who will be feeling nervous and terrified in the coming months.
I’m sorry for every Mexican, both here and in Mexico who has officially been slapped in the face.
I’m sorry that a talented writer whom I greatly admire, Ellie Guzman, fills her Twitter space with:
“Looooooooooove being a Hispanic woman with immigrant parents right now because I love being terrified of where I live.”
I’m sorry that all the victims of sexual harassment have to relieve their personal nightmares.
I’m sorry for all the little girls who will witness the triumph of a predator over a decent woman.
I’m sorry that the people who got ripped off in Trump University will now most likely be afraid to take further legal action.
I’m sorry that the rape victim who received death threats by Trump’s people will be too scared to come forward now.
I’m sorry that we all will be forced to watch his sad sack face on television.
I’m sorry that ignorant white men brainwashed their wives into thinking that women are of less value than men.
I’m sorry that white women hate themselves so much.
But most of all, I’m sorry that my mother, who fought hard her entire life for women’s rights will not see a female president. This is the one that hits me the hardest and makes me truly ashamed of my country.
Trump, you will never represent me.
The white people who voted for Trump, you should feel ashamed of yourself right about now. I don't even know what to think about anyone who is non-white who voted for him.
World, I’m sorry.
Gross. I’m embarrassed to be white.
Image source: Twiiter account:

I am not an American or a white man, but I reject your speaking on behalf of the white race which I find pathetic, pompous and just plain stupid.
The vote was for change, not for values
I think that is what happened, yes. The ignored voting for change, desperately hoping Trump will counteract the forces that have killed off the middle classes and made all Americans but a few poorer. Still, in my country he would have been sued, not elected, on the basis of what he has said, but that may be changing: the party that blames just about everything on Muslims is the largest party in the polls at the moment, probably because of anti-establishment sentiment rather than racism. You get that thrown in for free.
I can't imagine voting for a man who has said what Trump has said. It went too far to ignore, however much you want change. Let's hope he'll change his tune now that he has won, not an uncommon thing to do for politicians.
What I really do not understand is these groups like 'Blacks for Trump' or 'Muslims for Trump'. This sounds very counterintuitive to me.
Now coming back to your text and to the title of the post more precisely, I am not sure why the entire white race should apologise here. The largest fraction of white people has nothing to do with the US elections and are thus not concerned. I am a white guy (living in Europe) and I don't feel I should give apologies to anyone from Trump victory.
(Note that this is different from the message from B. Botox who is asking apologies from people who are trying to convince her about the level of hate in the US).
I'm so sorry too, I had no idea it existed so prevalently.
Welcome to Brexit 2.0. The masses are rising like a mad rabble of French revolutionists!
that's been the plan all along
I know our own Mr Brexit (Nigel Farage) was advising him on how to get those cursed pitchforks rising!! ... Oh look! ... it worked!! ;)
Think of Farage what you want (I do 8-), but his rants in the European Parliament against the members of the European Committee were brilliant, as was his kicking in the doors of the establishment. Very useful, even if you don't agree with him.
Farage gloated in draining the Euro swamp alright! ... next up ... Mr Trump ;)
It's not necessarily a bad thing when the masses rise, maybe it's even long overdue, it's just scary which way they sometimes choose to rise, and that also depends on the options presented to them. My vote would have gone to Bernie Sanders, but he wasn't an option, and I'm on the sidelines anyway, what with my being Dutch and all, so I probably shouldn't comment and just watch the circus.
Donald Trump reminds me a lot of Lech Wałęsa in Poland in 1989 - huge swathes of the marauding working classes under his control rising up against a corrupted system of control.
No. Not at all. I mean, maybe "reminds you", but in reality: no. No.
Correct @gtg. Wałęsa was not racist or homophobic in any way like Trump is. That was not the way the Solidarity Party coaxed people into joining them.
Re Brexit: In view of the lack of democracy in the EU, and the clientelism and gross lobbying going on in Brussels, and the strange economic and monetary policies, it seems the EU has become some sort of super-establishment serving the interests of a very select few only. I'm not so sure Brexit was a bad idea, but that's beyond what we're talking about here.
This is kind of hypocrisy. Apologizing on behalf of white people for racial hatred. That in itself is racism.
You can't defeat racism by using racism.
I didn't vote for either of them, but I would have voted for Trump over Hillary if I was forced to do so. I spent far too much time researching her (I liked her at first) and for me ACTIONS speak louder than WORDS. Trump could be really bad, and we'll find out. Yet everyone was afraid of words.
You talk about evolving and it is funny how people belittle and use that tactic when things don't go their way. That is a bit hypocritical as well.
I will say people did not evolve, yet it wasn't just Trump supporters. People still seem to believe the words that come out of presidential candidate mouths.
They believe the promises that candidates make that they then do not keep or perhaps they do exactly the opposite. They also imagine nightmares from WORDS that Trump says. Yet they are still words.
People will have evolved when they are more concerned about ACTIONS than they are WORDS. What bad things did/does a person actually do?
It is actually for this reason I did not like Hillary. Her actions when she held political office (and I am not talking about the emails) were not good. Trump could end up being as bad or worse... yet because all we have is words to compare it to and they are campaign words... it is guessing, speculating, and letting our imaginations run wild.
We WILL find out how good or bad he is.
I fully expect him to be an ass. As to the rest... I have no clue.
I voted for neither of them.
I look at their platforms and policy plans. The Democratic platform evolved a lot with Sanders help in the primaries and before the convention. Clinton's policy plans were the most progressive we've seen in decades. While everyone will be focused on Trump's antics, Congress will be dismantling protections of our public lands, water quality, air quality, labor laws, reproductive rights, and voting rights, while giving tax cuts to the wealthiest. Kansas and Wisconsin are the models - the outcomes are not good.
When I've done that in the past it has ended up being meaningless once they are elected. What they say when they are campaigning ends up being meaningless. It is what they actually DO that matters.
I am no prophet. I can say Hillary was on EVERY side of every issue that I can think of at one point or another. I really have no clue what her actual plan was.
Sanders was pretty clear. He didn't have a clue on some of the things he was claiming, but overall he was a decent guy. I've watched his voting record for about a decade now as often he is one of the few voting the way I like. That isn't always true. He's voted on some things I was not happy about as well. That's politics though. I'm not going to find the 100% candidate.
Hillary though I only believe in one things. She is really good at lying. If she is speaking there is a good chance it is not what she actually plans to do.
As for Trump. When he speaks he will say stupid shit, and he is an ass. As to what he will do... SPECULATION... no clue...
All the bad business things like Trump U and such Hillary actually was involved with OTHER similar universities. Big money. Education system is pretty broken and some people are making a lot of money.
Are they stupid for doing it? From a business sense of the word no. From an ethical sense of the word it's pretty stupid.
Yet, Trump has never held office so all we can do is GUESS. I am not a prophet so I don't claim to know what he is going to do. I also don't believe in prophets so if you want to say he IS going to do something, sorry I won't believe you. If you want to say he MIGHT do X, Y, Z. Then I won't say you are wrong. I have no clue what he is going to do. X, Y, Z could happen.
I simply know Hillary was a very corrupt and dishonest person. People will mention that other people are like this too and it is common with politicians and almost across the board they would be corrupt. Yet a person shop lifting a single candy bar and a person robbing a bank are both robbers. You can decide which you believe is worse. The corruption level with Hillary is far beyond that of anyone else I know in politics. ANYONE ELSE.
Ok, I'll change my 'will' to 'might' and then check back here, on the blockchain, in the future. I do read party platforms and policy papers, and go by them and actual past votes, where they exist. In my experience, it's been pretty accurate in tracking the general direction of the administration that comes in. Time will tell.
Trump has laid out the outlines of what he wants to do and how, so it should be more than a guess about where his focus will be, unless you are saying he is fundamentally untrustworthy. It takes thousands of political appointments to make any Presidential agenda happen, as well as Congress. His capacity to make those thousands of appointments is limited, without deep reliance on the Republican bench. And we know - not a guess, not a prediction - what that party platform, policies, and past votes have been, too. Now that Kris Kobach from Kansas, the creator of Arizona's SB 1070, is on Trump's transition team, the limits of the word 'might' become a little more well-defined than a full-on 'guess'.
I can go with that. Thanks for changing it to might. I truly have no clue what is going to happen at this point. I also don't know what Trump will be like with political power. We shall see.
I didn't vote for either of them. I do consider Trump the lesser of two evils in the case of him and Hillary, but that is going off of him having no records of certain types to compare to. It doesn't matter though as I promised I'd never vote for the lesser of two evils again and I stuck to that promise.
Let me know when you finally ever vote, then.
Do you realize what your job is as a voter? To vote for the person that best represents you. That was neither of those guys for me. There are only TWO ways to really throw your vote away. 1) Vote for someone that doesn't represent you, or 2) or not vote at all. The rest of the throw your vote away is all peer pressure bullshit that actually has nothing to do with what your job actually is as a citizen. So when you really vote let me know. :)
Interesting - We see our job as a voter very differently. Representing me is only one of many jobs those guys have. They also will represent many other folks, too. Like you, I can't find anyone on a ballot that represents me completely. So I look for who they will be able to represent effectively. And that information is embedded in their platforms, policies, and past votes. Those guys may represent some folks I don't care for, and they may neglect to represent other folks that I absolutely care for. So I balance that.
And my voting is only one piece of my job as a citizen. Another is to stay actively engaged with people in and out of the political system, who can make things happen about the issues and people I care about. Politics is ugly and nasty because it's about control of power to make things happen -- we see that in tiny ways even about the direction and progress of Steemit. But it's less ugly and less nasty than making things happen by fascism, feudalism, or war - whether local, international, or anything in-between.
I'm sorry your so racist you think race has anything to do with this when both canidates were white.
You should just make the post "fuck white people".
would be a little more honest.
So have fun with your feeling grose because your white bullshit. you do not and can not talk for all white people so stop trying.
You will change your mind after you see this one. I don't support him but this is what the reality is and why people voted for him. btw Milo is gay.
Thank you so much for this link. What a relief to hear this guy talking. I absolutely agree with what he says.
refreshing perspective.
Spot on about Islamic extremists. Absolute relativism leads to the death of the culture that adopts it along with the soft values.
No need for racial shame or guilt as it encourages more collective consciousness and racial identity. Apologizes in my opinion should either be personal or come from the government.
actually, our country is built on white supremacy. The faster white supremacy is destroyed, the better it will be for everyone.
I agree, and I think there are solutions but it requires both an open mind and a scientific mind. For example, the alt-right harps on the idea of "race" and "IQ", when it's really about genetics and IQ. Race doesn't really exist, and the genes associated with intelligence have not been isolated. If it were isolated then we could solve the problem by simply activating these genes in everyone and still no need to believe in race.
Race in my opinion is just another divide and conquer. The reason I had a problem with the" apology from the white race" is that it requires I adopt the racial ideology to communicate on that level. I see individuals first and races second, and I don't necessarily wish to promote group identities unless there is a true mutual self interest or shared stake.
Race has power because so many people believe in it that they give it power. In particular, white Americans are the primary group who are giving race power, as the concept of race was invented by white people to fulfill a slavery agenda. The only solution is for white Americans to take the lead and no longer accept racial identity, and if enough people accept individual identities, this over time will win out because generally people can have a lot more freedom with individual identities than with collective identities.
@stellabelle , I find your post quite ridiculous, yet very much needed, as it reveals the inner workings of the type of mindset that produced the current politcal outcome.
Donald Trump is the natural reaction to this mindset, and I'm not surprised by him being elected, as I find this mindset quite unbearable and self-destructive.
Also, I'm quite grateful for you writing this piece, as through @kyriacos comment I've discovered Milo Yiannopoulos. He's just brillant.
he is one of a kind. very objective and thorough and remember, he comes from an "opressed minority"
I'm sorry that not enough people realise that Trump is an actor that is working for the same controlled opposition that Obama and Clinton have been working for.
I'm sorry that anyone who voted for Trump has to be called a racist misogynist bigot. I'm sorry that anyone who voted third party is called selfish and is blamed for Hillary losing.
I'm not American so i will not pretend that i have a say in this matter, i'm just commenting my thoughts and the thoughts of some other non-americans i hang around with on my spare time.
The reason Trump is now elected has little to nothing to do with white supremacy or hate. People are tired of the same old system which allow the elite to prosper and fill their surroundings with corruption.
We saw it in the primaries, where Sanders was put in a chest and locked away so Hillary would stand as a candidate.
I'm by no means saying that Trump is able to bring the change people seek, but it's more like a "fuck you" to the elite establishment and mass media which have been pulling Trump into the dirt.
Here in Norway we have seen articles shaming Trump on every issue even when he is "behaving", and Hillary doesn't even get poked. Not even a critical question in that direction.
I'm white and no one is speaking for me.
Trump Didn't win...Hilliary Lost. I'm not apologizing , one is not needed, see my post @everittdmickey
@stellabelle - I do not agree with your post. It seems emotional as I don't see you as typically being a racist person. I WILL NOT flag this post like so many are doing simply because I strongly disagree with you. You and I agree that people should not be flagged for such things. It smacks of censorship. Instead I post responses and DO NOT down vote you. So I am not happy that you have gotten a lot of down votes. I am not surprised, but I am not happy about it.
Your post inspired my post for the day.
Can't we all just get along?
full reply to your post
@stellabelle not only this but more than 50% of WOMEN VOTED FOR TRUMP.
Which shows that you can't fight nature. liberal policies where full of lies and people got that after 8 years. All cool and dandy with the idea of "powerful women" but at some point on is just bullshit.
if women themselves admitted it then the case is over. watch this.
nope, I am not saying that women should vote with their vagina but their choice of Trump is a way to say "yes, grab me by pussy".
why not? this is what many women like apparently. what's your problem?
oh please. you're acting ridiculous.
You should delete white people and insert American. I take exception to the fact that you are claiming an entire "race" had anything to do with what you and your neighbors did last night.
Only one question: just how it could happen in such country as USA?
I don't fucking know. It's insane.
Each generation wants to change the world ... and politicians no matter who the leader is. It's the same with Steemit
The inclination to believe rather than be informed and reason? The disinterest in policies as opposed to gung-ho talk and scoring points in debates? The attention span of goldfish? Reluctance to move beyond adolescent thinking? I'm just quoting my uncle and brother here, both European-born, but living in Texas and Utah, respectively. They weren't at all surprised at the outcome, even though it was not what they voted. The general fed-uppedness is great, and anyone with a hammer will do when you want to open closed doors.
Excellent congratulations thanks for sharing this post
I'm always glad to be welcomed by a bot first thing after writing.
Well, I'm white and I did not vote for this hate, in fact if it would help I already declare no confidence in our elected officials.
Usually the nation get leader that nation deserve.
1st off he is just another player in the controlled system. watch the Jesuit fund raiser where both him and Hillary were chuming it up a couple weeks ago. that is actually when it dawned on me that he was going to be the chosen Potus. Now look at the demographic that voted him in. the same people that you are apologizing too were what made the difference in this election.
This article has no substance..why bother commenting..
It was a very difficult election for many, possibly for most. I hope people will consider one thing. Most (not all) people did not vote against any group of people they voted against one of two scary candidates. I personally voted 3rd party. I am okay with anyone who wants to be angry with me for that decision.
I love my friends of all gender, sexual orientation, color, etc. I would like to hug those who feel afraid. However, I did not feel I owed a vote to a bad candidate, that I disagreed with on many issues. (either side) We have these two parties to choose from now, but my hope is in the future we may have more and better options.
My comment here is not to put anyone down, or hurt anyone, it is just to explain one perspective (whether you agree or not) among the millions of people who had a difficult choice to make.
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Advanced Steem Metrics Report for 9th November 2016 by @ontofractal
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I am upvoting your post to counteract some of the downvotes. It is a valid perspective and should not be censored. However, I do not agree that all white people owe an apology. Not all white people supported Trump. Some who did probably voted for him out of desperation as a protest vote, though I am not condoning their choice. Blaming ALL white people for Trump is ultimately another form of racism and in the end, that's no better than his rhetoric. Hopefully, people can rise above this and find ways to work together in the coming months. There are real problems to solve.
our country is built on white supremacy. There's no denying that. Thanks for upvoting my post. wow, I leave steemit for a few days and come back to 27 flags on a post that was my heartfelt opinion. I remember now why i needed to take a break from this platform.
yes, it it better than his actions and rhetoric. I don't grab men's testicles.....the list goes on...
That's a fair point. I certainly was not calling you a racist, merely suggesting that painting every member of a race with one brush is overly broad.
I can see how Trump comes off as racist when the mass media misquotes and uses partial quotes instead of including the whole context of what a person has said. The lib mass media is fantastic at this, so I can understand why some people feel this way.
wow, i leave steemit for a few days and come back to 27 flags.
Steemit is clearly a place where men are showing their innate hatred for women. fun.
I am not american as well, but I see a big problem in your country.
If you go on like this, you find yourself in a civil war... again.
Try to not see black and white only but reason behind it. Try to accept everyones opinion, and find the reason behind it. Don't taboo anything but discuss about it. If your only answer to racists is hate, it will cause even more hate from them, because their opinion has a reason. Try to find the basic problem together.
please tell me one case of her "racist thing". Trump is the elected president with an ongoing rape investigation and court proceeding. are you effing kidding me?
There is nothing wrong with this post other than the fact your opinion lies on the other side.Seriously? Flag #abuse in my opinion.
so you like flags? here is another one for your collection.