This is the only president in my time that has taken on the big boys and has not been swayed by their power and money. I love the idea that he tweets daily, and shares his ideas with the average Joe. You know where you stand with this guy and he is not about to back off. I know that many people dislike Trump and feel that his behavior is not very presidential, that is exactly what I like about him. I truly feel that he is trying to do exactly what he said he would do while campaigning. How often have politicians said what they thought would get them elected and the moment they are in office they do a complete 180.
How can a person not want their country secure, the constitution upheld, flag respected, and their freedom of speech protected.
This country has become soft in so many ways. I'm not talking about our wonderful military and the men and women who sacrifice for our well-being, I'm referring to many of the politicians presently in office and many of our fellow citizens who put these people in power.
Great article and good for you for speaking your mind, and for not pulling any punches.
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