We have heard a lot of claims about the swamp being drained. Qanon has made some claims that are proving to be demonstrably false.
If it isn't just a Larp, it's disinfo. Q has stated that KSA has more financial influence than the Rothschilds, and this is provably not only false, but ludicrous.
I strongly agree with your statements regarding corruption, crimes against humanity, and freedom. I am sure you state them forthrightly. It is extremely important that your voice, and those of all independent researchers, aren't colored with taint of disinformation.
I urge you to carefully review the claims of Qanon, particularly, as this has apparently been revealed as a larp conducted by @defango and the puzzle-masters linked to corrupt intelligence agencies. I am sure you, more than anyone, wants to be sure you aren't being used by the deep state itself to propagate disinformation, that will be used to discredit not only you, but all independent researchers.
Just as the hippies have turned out to be a propaganda campaign used to discredit the antiwar movement in the 1960's ('Weird Scenes from Laurel Canyon', Dave McGowan), using the millions of sincere but misguided Americans to promulgate propaganda, the machiavellian intelligence apparatchiks of the deep state seek to do the same to those who are working to reveal criminal corruption, tyranny, and war crimes today.
No one can be immune from error in an age of digital media manipulation, when Newsweek criticizes Nazis out of one side of it's mouth, and presents them as good 'ol boys, out the other, depending on their affiliation with either enemies of the deep state, or allies, when AP takes pictures of Iranians rallying in support of their government, and passes them off instead as acts of revolution.
If your review reveals that Qanon has provided even one demonstrably false claim, only forthrightly showing how you were misled, and refuting that disinformation can preserve your reputation.
Everyone makes mistakes. Honest people own them, and retain the trust of those that rely on them for news.