The Naked King

in #trump7 years ago

Parables are always wonderful. A parable goes like this (for those who did not got an opportunity to hear from a good storyteller, it is your fate to hear it from me, the worst storyteller ever ;) ).

Long ago, there was a king called King Luxurious Fool in a country named "Country". He was a wonderful king made his name a true one. He lived in a large palace with all the luxuries in the World. No one ever dared to question him, as he gets upset with any wise advice.
One fine morning, he announced that he will give precious gifts to the person who can make something for him which is so luxurious and no one ever could imagine. Many people came and created many luxurious items like mansions, and other items. The king did not like them and prosecuted those creators.
At last one tailor came and told the King that he will be creating a wonderful dress that never ever one could imagine. The king accepted. Next day onwards the tailor comes to the palace and started taking the measurement. Then he ordered very expensive gems from all over the world after each day's measurement process. The measurement went for one month. He informed the king that it will take six months to build the miraculous dress. Then he went away for six months. He returns to the king on very next day the six months is over.
However, he came with the empty hands, but he was acting such a way that he was carrying something so delicate and precious. Everybody wondered. He went to King and told that it is a dress that the beyond imagination and beyond the vision of the common people. King was excited and ask to give the dress. The tailor told the king that he cannot just give the dress, but he could make the king wear it. The king accepted it.
The tailor asked the king to remove his dress to wear the new one. The king become naked and the tailor started acting such a way that he is putting some precious clothes on the king. Even though the king could not see any cloth, he believed that he could not see the cloth because it is beyond the vision of a common ordinary man. He does not want to accept that he is a common ordinary man. Thus he pretended that he is wearing a beautiful dress.
Meanwhile, the people around the king realised that the tailor is just fooling the King. There is no dress at all. But the people did not dare to tell the truth as they were feared of King's angry. So they kept quiet.
After some time, the (naked) king came out with his new dress. He was happy that he is wearing something that cannot be felt or see. He wanted to show his new dress to all the people in the city. He started walking through the market. Everybody understood that the King is naked. But everybody kept quiet. Then a little innocent kid shouted and said that the King is Naked.
The king heard the sound and he came out of his imaginary world. He realised that he was fooled. He looked for the tailor, but the tailor vanished. and the story goes on. (Probably, the king may have learned from the mistakes and become a good king)

The significance of this parable is becoming more and more significant day by day as the State, political parties, religions are playing the role of king and people around it just behave like the citizens in our old parable. The fascist nature that the people in power are using making the system corrupted and it is shameful for the whole humanity. I would like to discuss some of this nude instances.

  1. A person who endorses the point that the people belong to his nation are only trustworthy and he will stop each every people belongs to a particular community or countries to enter his country. Ironically he is decorating the position of President in one of largest democracies in the world.

  2. In another democracy, the people were put behind bars for trying show the truth.

  3. Killing the fellow human being and torturing the human being in the name of God and believes in the same single God created everything on the earth. This is happening across the world.

  4. Misusing the public money for luxurious life of the public servants.

  5. Hailing the importance of women and ask the women to stay inside the cage just like animals and calling them a gem. One way, from their point of view it is right that they just fail to see the human being inside that gem.

The list goes on. It is time for a kid to come and shout that the King is Naked.