We are smarter than the official oddsmakers, all they have to go on is the lame stream media outlets. And last time, Killary was a heavy 'favorite' too, but so was Brexit. BREMAIN, (it lost cuz it was a horrible name LOL!!!) Anything this important, well, TPTB can't let is go it's own road. They have to TRY and sway it their direction. No amount of money is too much to leave these things to run their natural course.
I live in the USA 'bellweather county' for Presidential Politics, and unless there is massive fraud, Trump Wins Again! He's way ahead here. he got a 15 point win here in 2016 and barring the big 3 blue states, (rampant fraud) we would have been a great indicator on the popular vote too. When the networks declared Trump the winner, he had a ONE MILLION VOTE LEAD. The the closeted votes in NY, Cali and Illinois came into play. Total BS but 'officially' he 'lost the popular vote' and won the electoral college. Google and Facebook Analytics, and more importantly WEB BOT all predicted a Trump runaway WIN, popular and EC. Web Bot said his algos could not, however, predict FRAUD. He nailed that one!