
You looking for the embryo, that spec of white near the yoke? I didn't quite get what you meant by "puff". It could just be they are using older hens longer. I was reading an article the other day that if you notice a difference in the shell structure cracking more easily and into smaller pieces when being cracked, it's because older hens produce thinner shells. Usually they retire out hens after three to four years to maintain a stronger shell structure, but with the flu killing off so many hens, they've been keeping older hens producing to keep up with demand. I am beginning to wonder how much the bird flu really contributes to the shortage of eggs here, and why it seems to get worse during winter months. Since 2020, when the Trump trade agreements were signed right before he left office, increased exports of eggs has gone through the roof into the millions. At five bucks or more a carton, they shouldn't be exporting eggs out of the country. Eggs help support the human immune system, chickens actually have a better immune system than humans, they provide humans with that extra link they have in their immune chain. I'd have to look it up again in my Egg Conspiracy theory ops I did on it to recall the name exactly, but the reality is, if they could keep consumers from eating eggs during cold and flu season, they aren't getting that extra bump of protection from eating eggs.

I have been eating eggs virtually all My 68 years. I have never had the issues I had with that egg. Yes, they have always had a "puff" of white near the yolk. Never seen one without that until I opened that one.

Others may have lacked it in recent times - fake eggs seem to be infiltrating - but I did not go looking.

Please don't tell Me You buy the "flu" BS. The moneyed psychopaths are using that lie to justify reducing Our food supply of healthy elements. There are no such things as viruses or contagion - neither has been honestly proven to this very day... I wrote a piece on that:

A Post to Be Viral (article):

I've already looked into that to some extent. I am not a scientist but from what I've figured is that it's true a virus can't be isolated. They do, what I'll call eye of newt experiments until they build a replica of the virus. When they talk of having isolated part of the virus, they mean they've reconstructed a feature of a virus. Sure, you can build your own that way, which is basically what they did with covid and it's variants but somewhere in nature, at some point in time, these viruses or other pathogens had to exist for them to be able to isolate the actions contained within to make construction of, or replication of, possible, whether in whole or in part somewhere along a natural chain, or from a natural chain.

Well, I will dispute that. ALL "virus genomes" are created in silico (in a computer) taking bits of genetic material They find, stitching them together, and patenting Their fabrication.

The way They "prove" viruses is put a bunch of stuff in a dish, some of it poison, and no nutrient, starving the cells, and then when the cells die, they emit dead cell debris. They point at some of those debris particles and call them viruses.

This works whether the Human cells are from sick or healthy People.

And never has contagion been honestly proven. Ever. In fact, given the hundreds of honest efforts, the thousands who have been experimented on, ZERO have "caught the bug."

There's no such things as viruses. That and contagion were taught by Rockefeller for profit potential (selling petro-"medicine" and jabs) and fear factor (for control).

He knew Béchamp was correct, but there was no money/control in the terrain theory, no fear that could be created. So He bought schools, publishing and media to promote the germ theory, and offered funding to other schools if They taught germ theory and never mentioned Béchamp's work.

I do recommend looking into the work of Béchamp. As someOne said - can't remember who - "If germ theory was correct We'd all be dead."