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RE: The Georgia Guide stones. - Malevolent or Benevolent? - NWO or Philanthropic Ideologue?

in #truth8 years ago

I would encourage people to read the guide stones from an outsider's perspective. The creator of the stones didn't want people to know who created them and I can't see how this individual would have gained any direct power from the message in the stones.

Cataclysms occur on earth from time to time, many of which would be capable of knocking us back to the stone age or worse. To me it is obvious R.C. Christian had a double purpose to the stones of both spreading the messages to the current public and as a form of insurance for the future of humanity in the event of any large cataclysm that doesn't completely wipe us out.

Also to address "Commandment" #1 the stones do say; "MAINTAIN HUMANITY UNDER 500,000,000 IN PERPETUAL BALANCE WITH NATURE." however nothing is mentioned on how this should be done. It is up to us to find reasonable solutions to the problem of overpopulation with or without these stones, for example, tax incentives could be used. Of course there is some logical limit to the ideal human population at any given time. Just because we can sustain 5 billion for awhile doesn't mean that we should, or that we wouldn't be happier having fewer people. Also the message is trying to remind that we aren't the only ones living on this planet, there needs to be room for all to prosper.

I think if you take the stones as one message designed to guide our way forward it makes a lot more sense why the guy put so much money into it in the first place. In my opinion the guidestones creator had benevolent intentions toward human kind.


Possibly, as I said I'm still on the fence regarding the 'creators' intentions.
However, Tax incentives?! Seriously? You'll need to explain that one.

For example in the US we have tax breaks for each dependant (kid) you support. This same idea could be applied oppositely where you would pay higher taxes or perhaps receive less benefits for each kid past a certain number. This would give people the freedom to have any number of kids, so long as they can afford to do so.

Why encourage 'any' direct taxation? People should be able to decide what to do with their money without having it stolen from them by a criminal government in the first place.
Government is the problem, their corruption enables the elites at the top of society to fleece everyone else all whilst covering up their crimes and protecting them from prosecution.
Sorry mate , Government don't grant 'freedom' your born free, they just take it away with their actions.