I personally believe that the family of Seth Rich have been threatened. Their dialogue has changed off and on since that fateful day and while I can't even begin to imagine the pain they are going through, as a parent I would not stop until I found justice for my child. Now the brother, is asking Hannity not to host Kim Dotcom as he is said to be peddling conspiracy theories....
Interesting to say the least
You don't understand. The Russians were actually the ones that killed Seth Rich. They needed someone to point to as a leaker of DNC emails, so they killed someone around the time they hacked the emails. It's obvious.
Whats scary is there is so much information to go thru, I dont envy the people that have to sift and catalog and make sense of by connecting the dots.
You are absolutely right, however I think what makes this entire scenario bad is the fact that we have, year after year, allowed the government to grow bigger and more sinister. Everything the founding fathers warned us about have come to fruition and now you have members of the government and its affiliated branches murdering those who break silence! I feel horrible for the Rich family but their son is a true hero. He knew the risks and he took them anyways. Lets hope he receives the justice he deserves.
I dont even think of government and business as separate anymore. I mean, Trumps an out and out businessman, he doesnt even hide it, he doesnt need to. But pick any of them and you find long trails of secret business deals and money and using the government to their own business ends.