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RE: Hive Post Deleted - I No Longer Support This Blockchain

in #truth7 years ago

In the past I used to judge compulsive liars as completely unacceptable. I hated them. There were a lot of behaviors that made me hate and completely disown people. But as I become more conscious, and I do more of my own healing, I've grown a great compassion for other people. I learned how deeply damaged we all are because I saw how deeply damaged I've been. This totally proves my point. Takes a lot of courage to share our innermost shit. It's a great sign of massive healing. Happy healing, brother!


It's amazing how easy it is to judge others before we start really digging into ourselves and our "issues", haha. I think everyone on the path has experienced that to different degrees, and probably around different behaviors.

I have found that the sharing of these things ends up being some of the most important content I make as well (based on the responses it gets of actually impacting people), and it is so cathartic and powerful for me too. If writing something or saying it out loud helps anchor it in, putting those words out for everyone to see is tenfold.

Thank you!

It's a time of mass healing!