What's happening on the world stage is an orchestrated series of events planned way in advance with the goal of grinding your face into the dirt until you consent to your own slavery.
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I'm getting a 404 on your link.
I'm not sure how much of our present tyranny is deliberate planning from a secret society of shadowy people and how much is just the natural consequence of political incentives.
Woodrow Wilson never mourned his pet projects to build up the deep state through various regulatory bureaucracies. He never felt remorse for creating the Federal Reserve and IRS despite apocryphal interne quotes to the contrary. He celebrated locking up his critics during the Great War.
Apparently Harry Truman actually did realize the CIA was out of control and regretted its expansion, but no president has restrained it. Maybe because they know the CIA would stage an accident for them if they tried.
The perpetual interventionism in foreign affairs, funneling money into the coffers of crony corporations, and escalating threats of punishment for non-crimes at home should infuriate Americans, but most seem content to cheer for their party's schemes in our false dichotomy two-party system. Again, I am unsure whether this is deliberate, or an unhappy accident created by the perverse incentives of concentrated power and human psychology.
I clicked the link but...
Sorry, the website hadn't updated as quick as Hive did, so it was a dead link for a few minutes. Should work now.
Thank you brotha.
Yes. Time to steer towards getting "out of sight, out of mind" (this is also a very good piece of card magic, by Dai Vernon)