Americans Are Horrified by Mass Killings — Unless the Government Is Doing It

in #truth7 years ago

As Americans continue to rage over the Valentine’s Day school shooting in Florida, expressing indignation at both the atrocity and efforts to impose (or reject) gun control, the U.S. government has acknowledged its own perpetual addiction to violence.

According to two letters released by the federal government last week in response to an inquiry from Virginia Senator Tim Kaine, the U.S. plans to maintain its military presence in Syria and Iraq indefinitely, citing vague threats of terrorism.

In one letter, Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Policy) David Trachtenberg responded to Kaine by justifying continued operations in Syria with the 2001 Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF), passed by Congress in the wake of 9/11 to justify invading Afghanistan.

In citing this, Trachtenberg and the Trump administration are essentially arguing that they need no new legal authorization to keep the U.S. military in Syria despite the fact that Congress has never officially declared war against that country.

The letter also references ISIS and other extremist factions, neglecting to mention the U.S.’ role in empowering each group through years of failed policy and efforts to arm Al-Qaeda affiliates.

Trachtenberg acknowledges the presence of 2,000 troops in Syria but also notes that the Pentagon will not disclose the number of “forces conducting sensitive missions,” making unclear how many U.S. soldiers are actually there. Further, he defends Trump’s April 2017, airstrike in Syria, claiming that while it did not fall under the 2001 or 2002 AUMFs, it was vital to defend U.S. interests and was legitimate under Trump’s executive authority.

In a separate letter to Kaine from the State Department, Assistant Secretary for Legislative Affairs Mary Waters “argued that international law provided a basis for American forces to remain in Syria — despite the lack of consent from the Syrian government — to protect Iraq and the United States from terrorists,” the New York Times, which published both letters, reported. Though Waters claims the U.S. will not attack the Syrian government, she reserves that right.

“The United States does not seek to fight the government of Syria or Iran or Iranian-supported groups in Iraq or Syria,” she wrote. “However, the United States will not hesitate to use necessary and proportionate force to defend U.S., coalition, or partner forces engaged in operations to defeat ISIS and degrade Al Qaeda.”

The Trump administration has previously indicated its desire for the regime to be removed from power.

In response, Kaine criticized the arguments contained in the letters, tweeting:


Yet again, the U.S. establishment is doubling down on its dedication to continued military domination, asserting its perceived right to police the world despite its own contributions to the unending chaos plaguing the Middle East. In these years of conquest, countless civilians have died with little concern from the U.S. government, which purports to be an arbiter of morality and justice.

And as Americans continue to mourn and decry continuous mass shootings in the U.S., they remain largely silent on their own government’s institutionalized addiction to violence abroad. This apathetic acceptance of indefinite war is undoubtedly reflected in the U.S. Between the Pentagon’s program to arm local police and the recent push to militarize schools even further in the wake of this month’s shooting, America’s penchant for violence continues (is it any surprise a growing number of mass shooters either served in the military, were kicked out, or idolized the armed forces?).

As the media waxes hysterical over mass shootings, Americans receive comparatively far less information about the mass shootings and bombings their own government commits despite the far greater death toll of endless military empire.

The media’s lack of concern for — and, often, glorification of — the U.S. military’s encroachments ultimately desensitizes the public to the violence it unquestioningly funds, even when it kills innocents.

As Americans continue to demand the U.S. government and politicians take action on mass shootings, they evidently fail to see the futility in asking a government characterized by unmitigated violence to put an end to violence.

Written for @antimedia

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Ignorance is bliss in America I guess. The media never shines a spotlight on what our troops are doing in the middle east, so many, myself included, are left in the dark as to what is going on over there. If our nation ever becomes one that isn't controlled by banks that have financial motivations that account for our meddling over there, we should adopt an isolationist-style foreign policy, and our military should strictly be used for self-defense. Hell, if you really wanna stop illegal immigration, all you would have to do is bring the troops back home and station them along the border... keep the damn Canadians out.

Absolutely. Americans seem to have no understanding for the horror and sadness we create across the world. We act like only we can feel the pain of the loss of a family member. Those on the other end of our drone bombs, on the other hand, do not care whether their loved ones have been murdered.


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I agree. Our government kills innocent people daily and it seems to be okay with Americans. We need to protest the wars not gun control.

Sheeple only care about what their media tells them to care about. The government can help kill millions of Americans but the media doesn't care so the sheeple don't either.

The most ironic thing of all is that Americans (military especially) are led to believe that they are fighting for 'freedom' by attacking other countries and bombing hundreds of thousands, while at the same time Americans are begging their own government for restrictions, as the media attention on that is showing.

They are blind to the fact that this shooting, as others before, are being used not only to ban private citizens from owning weapons, but moreover to silence free speech. Just ask anyone that openly asks questions, i.e. about camera footage or teachers seeing a shooter dressed in police garb in Florida, and you will find plenty of examples of free speech being attacked and shut down.

In effect, the prison doors are closing in and only a very few seem to be seeing that. The prison doors in this case are invisible, but they are there nonetheless.

timkaine Tim Kaine tweeted @ 22 Feb 2018 - 19:00 UTC

When it comes to military operations in Syria, President Trump seems to be acting like a king by trying to unilater……

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

I cannot express my frustration Carey. I could talk for hours but nothing will change.
May I link a story to my ideal world :)

nothing will change until we make it change. It is up to everyone of use to be the change because it is not coming from our politicians.

Only when those crooked old bastards croak it, the world will be a better place.
I am doing my bit for the world by supplying music and teaching guitar to children.
Let's all take a step back and look at what we do.. Is it really helping anyone?
Tough subject Tyger :)

yes it does it is just a slow grind sadly and we often do not see the rewards in our lifetime. And good for you on the music and work with kids. May I ask what you do to claim your own autonomy though? What are you doing in your life to up your life quality and gain some level of freedom from the system? Living by example goes a good way to int changing things .

Sure. I was trapped in the system up until 3 years ago.
I am now 37 years old and as soon as I left school I got a job as further education seemed confusing and I was not sure who I was.
For years I worked normal jobs and kept my dreams behind me as I did not have the confidence or the time to achieve them.
I finally cracked at the end of 2015. I was losing my musical skills and had enough of working for an employer with shit rules and conditions and the ever consistent bad weather in the UK.
So I left it all behind and built a new life for myself here.
I am not trapped in a 9-5, the sun always shines and I don't have to earn a monthly salary just to get by.
My petrol cost is $5 a week! rent is a lot cheaper here also.
It is a different world and I can never look back.

good for you. Other good things to cut costs even further are to do domestic changes as well things like collecting rainwater, growing your own food , using wind and solar power ect. you can even do it in an urban setting if you know how , be it through simple bottle based window gardens or making a community rooftop garden ect.

Also it is scientifically proven that musical education improves life quality and in many cases fosters further interest into further education. So basically you are opening worlds for these kids who will have wider horizons that will impact how they operate and perceive their world and they will pass that on to their kids. It is slow change but seeds like that are never for nought one way or another ...

Yes!! I agree with off-grid living!! Unfortunately here in Cambodia the government are just as bent as the rest of them. There is a lot of crime here and theft.. I could see the solar panels being stolen, even the vegetables one would grow. Super messed up here with people only caring about the next bladdy I phone. :(
but slowly people are beginning to wake up.
The sun shines every day here and I dont see one solar panel..

I do not earn as half as much here but I am at peace knowing I provide a credible service for humanity :)

Part of disengaging from the system is trying to get away from one's dependence on money. It is not always possible to disengage completely but moves like you made go a good way toward that ...

I agree. If I have enough for the day that is all I need. having no mortgage and children helps though :)

Americans are for peace so let those terrorist move out and backoff

Seems to be the "same old" in the sense that we are horrified by a murder in our neighborhood; horrified by school shootings, but when we reach the scale of mass genocide... we dissociate and thousands of deaths become "some people died... far, far away."

Indeed, absolute power corrupts absolutely...

U.S.’ role in empowering each group through years of failed policy and efforts to arm Al-Qaeda affiliates.

Its pathetic how easily we can see a dust on others face, while we fail to acknowledge the log we carry around... Its high time they realise that love is never the answer, will never be... Trump should preach love, not war!

A large part of most politicians personal money is invested in the "war industry" or they are heavily subsidised by them and nothing will change when it comes to that until we change our political system A- from a 2 party system to a multi party system B- remove money from politics. World wide a great percentage of the general population is perpetually unwilling to care about anything but what personally affects them. U.S Americans just double down on it like they supersize their fast food - to quote west side story " Everything BIG in America". On the World stage America has been the school yard bully for a very long time and like the school yard lunch stealing mean kid deep down America is a coward that hides behind force. This reflects in it's population, we are afraid of everything and little common sense is ever to be found in fear. Most of this screaming about needing regulation is because they fear this could happen to their kids, and the images they see on TV look familiar as do the faces of the victims. Who cares that some brown kid a world away is getting murdered it does not register because a lot of stuff outside of the U.S does not register. a lot of American have little knowledge about anything outside of their immediate horizon nor are they really interested to learn about it. They want what they know, a 12 piece bucket from Kentucky fried chicken, their favorite T.v show, sports and a beer.

Like any uneducated population superstitions run high the demons of today just wear human faces and the ghost stories are told by the light of our screens and Tv.s instead of the campfire. The way this fear expresses itself is in many ways the same regardless of political leaning even though it might look different on first superficial glance. The majority believe the lies their respective leaders tell them or at least they see it as the Lesser evil" that they conform to as thinking for them self and fining new approaches is just to uncomfortable. Agendas are polarized and even when it seems that the policy being sold is there to help people it is just really a front to gain popular opinion and has little to do with the actual population it is deemed to make a difference for. The truth is that true change is birthed by compromise and conscious effort which is something few in the political game are really interested in.

Even amongst those who think differently there are so little few who are willing to actually sit down and work on viable solutions they rather bitch at each other and talk about flat earth and chemtrails and how this side and that side is wrong. The key to the war issue and out global issues start right at home at our own doorstep. Like it or not whatever affiliation you claim or do not claim our politicians are not going to fix anything. We also are going to share our communities, our country and or planet with each other until we die. It is time to be more compassionate toward each other, to find ways to make room for all birds with whatever plumage and tackle our issues ourselves.

If we create better freer communities, educate each other and teach each other to become more independent and self sufficient this will bleed out into our compassion for other nations as well. A nation a people at war with each other will never understand the true meaning of peace nor perpetuate it.


The people of America pulled themselves out of the Vietnam war in the 60’s. We can do it again. Americans are being forced to work too hard to pay their bills and make ends meet that common sense has been lost. Our heads appear to be in the sand. I am an American and I love America because it can change. The people need to stand up more like we did in thw 60’s. Fight the nonsense. I am retired now. I was working for a very large printing company and it was like a war zone every day. We need to take our country back from all the clowns that are running it today. The media is succesful in separating us. In the 60’s all races, all people stood together better than we do now to make a good change. Education is very poor. The children of today don’t seem to make sense to me at all.
Good post sir. I can go on and on. Peace to all!

I'm glad that you began to understand the horror of the wars you are creating.

Another great article. How tragic that so much can be written but so little ever seems to have any impact on the powers that be! A fundamental change is needed that requires the hearts and minds of all who can effect change.

yup, the war on terror is a forever war, we are fighting an idea and you can't really defeat an idea with bombs and drones. We defeat domestic terrorism and these mass shootings with more liberty not less, restrictions on liberty is what created schools full of unarmed children and teachers. we could defeat jihadists with weekly cartoon contests, just have one every week until no more show up. But that would not be a profitable forever war or require any drones or metal detectors or dudes touching everyone's balls at the airport.

Of course @careywedler the Cro-Mags a.k.a 'Trumpsters' will defend their Military regardless. And if you dare say anything that is even remotely construed as questioning the Military..they will slam you as being unAmerican :(

Case and point....that Everett Dickey character flagging and Unfollowing you because he couldn't handle your opinions ... just too much for him, the poor thing lol
upvote follow bunny.gif

Americans don't care about the death and destruction caused by US operations in the middle east because they have been brainwashed to believe it's being done to 'spread freedom and democracy' and fight the 'war on terrorism', which is completely fabricated.

Americans do care about the mass shootings in the US because they were designed to create fear, demoralize, destabilize, and eventually, disarm America.

Yes, that's right. US operations in the middle east, as well as most of these mass shootings in the US, are being orchestrated by our own government, primarily the CIA, which has gone horribly rogue.

These are just two of many parts of an all-encompassing hegemonic agenda being carried out by the US government on behalf of a cabal of powerful globalist super scumbags. Look up the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) to get an idea of who I'm talking about.

Wake up! Don't focus on the trees. See the forest.

Americans are being oppressed, propagandized, and terrorized by their own gov't to the point that many have become paranoid, depressed, hooked on drugs and alcohol, suicidal, you name it.